Chapter 3 Relationship

Começar do início

Voice of the world: "Ivaraj: the sword of destruction is now a superior god class weapon" 

Gazel: "seems like naming your sword was something extremely important Rimuru" laughs at him

Rimuru: looks at Gazel a bit pissed  "Anyway Gazel aren't you supposed to be already back to Dwargon?"

Gazel frooze in fear as he felt the aura of the captain of the pegasus knight behind him and with that Gazel left Tempest and we have time skip of 4 days later at night and Rimuru is in his house that is the biggest building in Tempest as it can keep inside him and Velgrynd in their dragon form and Rimuru was sleeping in peace in his bedroom

Velgrynd: feels that Rimuru went to sleep (Finally! A worthy moment.) looks up (our night will be fantastic) start to go where Rimuru bedroom is located and sees someone that shouldn't be there as well as her

Velgrynd: "Testarossa what are you doing here?" looks at her

Testarossa: "I could ask the same thing to you Velgrynd" looks at Velgrynd smiling

Velgrynd: "I hope you didn't planned to go and take advantage of Rimuru while he is sleeping"

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Velgrynd: "I hope you didn't planned to go and take advantage of Rimuru while he is sleeping"

Testarossa: "I'm not like someone else that is here to disturb Rimuru-sama sleep"

Velgrynd: "Are you saying that I'm here to ruin the sleep of my beloved Rimuru?"

Testarossa: "And from when he is yours? I don't remeber him calling you dear or anything like that"

Velgrynd: "What did you say demon?" starts releasing her aura and a little lightning goes in direction of Testarossa

Testarossa: "You heard me well lizard" starts releasing her aura and a little lightning goes in direction of Velgrynd

Testarossa: "You heard me well lizard" starts releasing her aura and a little lightning goes in direction of Velgrynd

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at the place of Shuna and Shion there are Velgrynd and Testarossa and there is no Slime Rimuru 

The house start to shake from them releasing their aura and everyone in Tempest understand that Velgrynd and Testarossa met inside Rimuru house

Ivaraj RimuruOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora