Chapter 1

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The muffled sound of thunder roared outside our huge, circular window as streaks left by the rain raced across it. Wind rushed past the window as I heard its faint howl. Resting my cheek on the armrest of our couch, from where I was, I could see the gray sky churning, clouds spiraling. To me, it was simply depressing.

But it was also comforting to know that I was curled up in the safety of the castle, my tail covering my legs, my flanks rising and falling with every breath of mine. It was so strange to me how something could be depressing while still comforting. Richard lay beside me with closed, somewhat baggy eyes. I could hear him breathing a bit louder than normal, those shallow breaths telling me something was wrong with him. He seemed so unaware, not noticing how loud this fierce storm was.

"I miss you, buddy," he croaked.

I pricked up my ears and lifted my head with a jolt. I flashed a glance over to him. Who was he even talking about? His numb, blank face only told me that this pained the brick more than anything else. I wanted to ask him who this was, to get an answer. Maybe that way I could get to the root of his pain. I could, from there, in the deepest depths of his thoughts, find what truly comforted him the most. But all I knew was that he did not have the same views of life as me. It was just dull and bleak in his eyes. How could he even live like that? There was so much about him I needed an answer for.

"I'll find you again... and your killer will get what they deserve...," Richard mumbled.
Fear gripped my chest. Something was really wrong.

"Who are you talking about?," I squeaked. I quickly put strength into my exhausted forelegs, and sat up. My tail lifted away from them. I shifted my paws around until they were in a position that my tail could reach all of them, and I draped it back over them. Richard slowly opened his eyes, but not fully, and turned them to me. He kept his lips straight.

"I might explain later, Princess. It's a hard thing for me. I also don't want to be too upsetting for you."

"I wanna know. Promise you'll tell me soon," I meowed at him.

"I can't promise anything," he breathed, sadness spilling through his voice. He shifted his numb gaze away from me.

Confusion shot through me from head to tail-tip. My scraggly kitten fur felt hot and prickly. Richard was sometimes very difficult. Even when he said he was fine, should I really believe him? If he was feeling okay, he would be his honest self and I'd hear the comfort in his gentle voice. But I already knew he was not okay, when he was at his lowest. But he would never let me know. But if he did, then everything would have been so much easier, especially for him. I recalled how even since I was four, almost two years before this, I could always sense how someone felt more easily than anything else. And sometimes my mind would absorb it and I would feel it myself.

"Hey, don't touch that!," a voice rang in the hall not too far from us. I turned an ear to where it came from, followed by my muzzle. I stretched my eyes wide and slicked my fur down.

A small blue-and-cream shape skidded into the room, turning to us, before it seemed to grip the hardwood floor with its red paws.


The pup whipped to one side and began pacing like the restless one he was. He lowered his short muzzle to sniff the floor as his steps slowed. He began following whatever trail he picked up as he neared my side of the couch, when he stopped in his steps fully. Puppycorn turned his upper body toward his tail while keeping his nose low, until he slowly lifted his head. He remained still and silent as he stared at his tail, wide-eyed.

Suddenly, he sprang up with his front paws in the air. I looked back and Richard immediately opened his eyes and shot his look toward Puppycorn. I noticed Richard's lips curve upward. Puppycorn let out a loud yap as he leapt at his tail, scurrying after and circling it. I whipped my head back toward him. Amusement warmed me and I giggled a little.

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