Chapter 26

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Peter watched as the grey cloud formed another memory for him to view, and after the last memory he just saw he wasn't exactly thrilled to see what this one had in store for him.

He watched as the memory began and already he was not looking forward to what he was about to see. In front of him he watched as he fought Otto Octavius, although he wasn't sure when this was but given that the last memory was from so long ago he figured this was also one of the first times he fought the villain.

His fists clenched tightly so much so that his knuckles turned white, after what he just went through with Otto he didn't want to relive any past memories involving the maniacal man.

The two were fighting, of course, with Peter dodging each strike of his metal limbs. He managed to weave through the metal arms and get close enough to Otto to land an uppercut staggering the man momentarily.

Peter quickly followed up with a series of punches to his face before one of the tentacles grabbed him by his back and threw him off. Landing a few feet away Peter immediately dodged another one of his tentacles as it hit the ground cracking the concrete.

Soon after Otto used two of his metal tentacles to grab nearby cars, with one in each arm he threw the cars at Spider-Man. He managed to dodge both cars, jumping over the first before firing a web at the approaching car to flip over it just in time.

When Peter got his bearings again he noticed that Otto was fleeing, using his metal claws to slam into the walls of the buildings and climbing the structure to get away from the hero.

Peter wasn't going to let him get away however, and he fired off two web lines and zipped up to the building trailing Otto as he continued to flee the scene.

Peter watched the memory with dead eyes as he wasn't sure what importance this memory had to properly affect Ultron.

'Why am I watching this? I mean if seeing a memory of Otto and I fight will change Ultrons perspective that's fine but... why this memory?' He thought questioningly.

'Given what recently went down between me and him surely that would have made for a better lesson, right?' He thought confused, nothing about this memory striking him as something majorly important.

Otto reached the top of the building and began to leave the area, but before he had a chance to get any farther he was hit in the back with two web lines pulling him back.

He turned to face the web-head, his rage and disdain present on his face at Peters constant interference.

"You damn insect. I don't have time to deal with the likes of you right now!" He yelled furiously as he launched a barrage of attacks using his metal arms to keep him at a distance.

Peter easily dodged the strikes, each metal arm smacking the rooftop where he once stood. When one of the arms slammed into the roof Peter jumped over it and quickly webbed the tentacle down as he continuously avoided the others.

However, Peters overconfidence got the better of him as one of the arms slammed into his chest sending him flying off to the side. He came to a stop just at the edge of the rooftop where he could see the streets below.

Some people where running away from the place whilst police cars rolled up trying their best to contain the area and help everyone get to safety.

Peter felt his spider sense as he rolled out of the way from an incoming attack, the metal arm slamming right where his head would have been cracking the ground upon impact.

Otto ripped his webbed arm free and used it to slam into Spider-Man who evaded the strike, the metal arm hit the edge of the rooftop breaking off the already damaged structure and sending it plummeting to the ground below.

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