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"Fuck!" I slam my hands against my desk with complete intentions to breaking it.

It's been two weeks now and it's like my father has fallen from the face of the earth.

"I asked you two to do one simple task! Keep and eye on my father!" I growl in anger.

My hands shake as the scotch runs through my blood.

"Sir, we didn't even get the chance to---" I point my gun mid air and get ready to fire.

"I'm drinking, so don't forget that I don't give a fuck!" I yell taking another swig of scotch.

My office is now destroyed and papers are everywhere.

I'm getting ready to pull the trigger to end these fucking balloon heads when a thought occurs to me.

"Go grab, and bring me the man that Alex fought." I rub my eyes annoyed.


She still doesn't even know her father is dead.

I groan as I become dizzy and sit.

"Fucking bastard!" I yell tossing all kinds of papers on to the floor.

I should of known what was going to happen that night I finally was going to kill my father.

I hold Alex's mothers notes in my hand. I haven't opened them yet, but something is not adding up.

Open them...

I can't!

My head begins to throb and I moan.

This is not how I wanted this to play out.


Tonight is the night I'm killing my father.

I shove the letters into my pockets and jump into the closest car.

The sky is dark as my men pack into different cars to follow me.

My door opens and Jeff slips in. "We have everyone." I start to car and head out.

My father had been staying close enough to us.

After Jackson had brought Alex back we scoped out the place he was staying in, but he had already vanished.

It took me awhile to finally find him but I did.

It take us three cars and fifteen minute until we arrive at a building with large pillars in front.

I cock my gun and get out of the car. The night sky is overwhelming my senses with grogginess as I yawn.

My men line up around the door as there isn't any sign of movements.

I walk straight forward to the front and kick it open.

My men and I run in and everything is gone.

Nothing is in here but a simple peace of paper of the floor.

I hear 'Clear' throughout the house and I slam my hand of the wall with anger. "Fuck!" I hiss as I pick up the paper and read it.

Nice try my son, but you better try harder.
Oh give Alex a hello for me and let her know it's a sad thing her father died so suddenly.

With Grace,

I hiss in frustration.


My head begins so swirl and my door bangs open harshly.

My other spy walks in with a annoyed and worried expression.

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