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3rd person pov.

it was sunday and no one had anything to do but to lay in bed. cat was still asleep, duke was debating on whether to text her or wait for her to text him so he could ask her to be his girlfriend. mattia had cat in his head all night for some reason and couldn't really sleep.

-cat pov
i woke up by the sound of my phone dinging from a text message. i didn't even realize i had been sleeping so long. it was 5:38 pm. i get up and get myself ready for the day and try to decide on what i should do today. duke sent me a heartfelt message so i decided to send one back.


good evening beautiful, have a
good day today.

thank you sm love and good morning.
what are you planning on doing today?

idk yet hbu?

do you wanna hang outttt🤗🤗
get ready ill pick you up
in an hour.


i sat my phone down and smiled and got up trying to decide on what to wear. i picked out a cute outfit then i went to the bathroom do to my daily routine.

soo flyyy

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soo flyyy.

after i got my purse, duke texts me that he's outside. i head out and hop in his car.

duke - you look good. he said looking me up and down.
cat - why thank you. you don't look too bad yourself.
duke - thank you. he laughed and started the car.
cat - so where are we going? i asked facing him.
duke - it's a surprise. he smiled.

he was so fucking fine. he had the one hand on wheel and one hand on thigh combo. i wasn't worried about mattia at all. he had his own shit going on anyways.
we listened to music on the way to wherever we were going until we finally arrived. he put a blind fold over my eyes and guided me so i wouldn't trip or fall.

duke - and open them. he said letting go of me

i lifted the blind fold to see a picnic basket on the beach with hanging lights and blankets. my mouth was hanging open at the sight. i turned to duke and hugged him for about 5 minutes.

cat - i can't believe you actually did this. i walked to the basket with fruits, chips and drinks.
duke - its all for you. he said smiling.
cat - i love it. i said kissing his cheek
duke - i wanna ask you something. he turned facing me.
cat - what is it? i asked eating a grape.
duke - will you be my girl? he asked.
cat - i- of course. i struggled to get out.
duke - good. he smiled and hugged me.

-duke pov
i felt so bad for this. but i couldn't lose a bet. she doesn't know this was all a bet. i was playing her. all for a bet. i didn't actually like her, i just liked the thought of having a girl on me. im an asshole for this but life goes on, she'll get over it.

-cat pov
i realized i had fell asleep but woke back up to the beach waves crashing against the shore. the moon was shining and so beautiful when it got dark. i was staring at it until i heard dukes footsteps approaching me.

duke - you ready to go back? he asked putting the things away.
cat - yeah. i had fun duke thank you. i smiled.
duke - of course. he said helping me back up.

we rode in his car listening to frank ocean for a bit. after minutes passed we both arrived back on campus. he walked me back to my dorm and as i put my key in the door, he lifted my chin up and kissed me. i smiled and went inside. i got my stuff ready for bed, took a shower, did my night routine and laid down. but something was telling me something wasn't right. i couldnt exactly put my finger on what it was. soon i fell asleep.
a/n - short lil post. new characters soon!!!
duke is an asshole 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

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