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season 2

chapter storyline fromstation 19season 2 episode 6

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chapter storyline from
station 19
season 2 episode 6

Logan ran a hand over his face as we walked up the station stairs and into the kitchen. His entrance caught the team's attention.

"How are they?" Alex asked as Logan took a seat at the table. Luella passed him a plate and he nodded in thanks. "Ayla has another check up with Doctor Ashford. Her legs been doing better but she's still getting small headaches. Cleo's still in I.C.U. but the brain swelling subsided and she won't need surgery or the I.C.P. catheter. They're hoping she's out of the woods."

"Well that's good, right?" Leo asked as his eyes drifted around the room. Logan nodded, "She's alive and she will get better, that's what matters. But she won't be able to work for a while and Ayla can't until she's cleared."

Alex nodded, "I've been looking for people to temporarily fill their positions but until then, everyone's gonna have to pitch in and pick up some extra hours."

The team didn't argue.

"Whatever it takes till they get back." Luella said and the rest agreed.

"Ms. Calaway, good to see you again."

Ayla smiled, "Good to see you too Dr. Ashford."

The two stared at each other for a moment before Jack cleared his throat, "So how are you feeling? Any pain in your leg? Still getting headaches?" He led her into the room and she sat down at the end of the bed.

"Well..." She trailed off, "It doesn't hurt to walk on it anymore but if I hit it or move it a certain way it stings."

Jack nodded at her words, "That's normal. It's still tender and healing. What about your head?" Ayla sighed and bit her bottom lip, "Headaches are still there but they're dull. Not as painful."

Jack wrote down what she said and then placed the papers on the counter. "Can I take a look? See how the cuts are healing?" Ayla nodded and watched as he rolled his chair closer to her.

He checked her leg first. "It's healing nicely. These stitches should be able to come out soon. Let's take a look at your head." He stood up and brushed back her hair so he could see the wound properly. He touched around the cut and Ayla pulled back slightly from the pain. "This one's healing well too. Doesn't look infected. It may just take a bit longer."

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