ˏˋ°18*➷ 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐔𝐬

Start from the beginning

Multiple apologies were falling from his lips at a fast pace, and seeing him cry, begging for forgiveness for something he didn't mean to do, made Ji-an lose it. So, now the two of them were sobbing as they leaned against a large tree. It was then when Su-ho began hyperventilating. His body was there but his mind was completely lost somewhere else. Initially, Ji-an panicked just like any other person would, but quickly realizing what was happening, she was able to pull him out of his panic attack.

Now, as Kim Ji-an walked down the streetlights, she tried to think of where Su-ho could have gone too. With the state he was in, there was no way he could've gone somewhere far, which helped narrow down the options. As she kept walking, a dreading—yet familiar building came into view.

He has to be there.

↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷

"Is mom sleeping?" Han Seo-jun asked, placing his bag down on the floor. After his encounter with Kim Ji-an, the boy no longer felt the need to stay the rest of the night for the end of the festival. The basketball game had already taken a toll on him and the only reason why he had lingered around after, was because he was hoping to spend more time with Ji-an.

"Yes." Go-woon answered, her voice a little muffled as she chew on the ramen she was eating. Unlike her brother, once she had finished her performance, she decided to go back home. She didn't have anyone in her classes whom she considered an actual friend, so there was no point on staying for the rest of the day if she would spend it alone. Go-woon actually wanted to watch Seo-jun's game, but she knew how loud the crowd could get and she'll much rather happily stay home without anyone bothering her. Seo-jun also didn't care when she had mentioned leaving, so that was exactly what she did.

Seo-jun, noticing his sister was eating, immediately joined her on the floor. "Gosh, that looks delicious." He tried to snatch the pot from Go-woon, but the girl didn't budge.

"Just cook one for yourself!" Her tone was full of annoyance. It wasn't new for Seo-jun to steal food from her.

"Let me have a bite. Come on." He insisted, and reluctantly Go-woon allowed him to take the pot, even if it physically hurt her to watch. Chopsticks in hand, Seo-jun started slurping on the noddles, eating way more than just a simple bite like he had promised.

Go-woon glared at him. "That's not a bite."

"It's really good. Why don't you cook one more?" Seo-jun suggested. All day he had been so focused on other stuff that he forgot to eat something that would actually make him full. He was about to take another bite of the ramen, but Go-woon stopped him by taking away the pot.

"Cook it yourself, Seo-jun." She murmured as she resumed her eating.

"You're so cheap." Seo-jun complained but didn't say anything else. While watching Go-woon he couldn't help but notice how different she looked. She looked very pretty and a lot more mature. It made him realize how much she was actually growing. "Are you really my sister? I can't get used to seeing you wearing makeup."

His words made a smile form on Go-woon's lips. Swallowing her bite, she turned to her brother, a hint of gratefulness in her eyes. "Lim Jug-yeong helped me with this. So, I haven't removed it yet." In fact, she wished she could stay with it forever. She never felt insecure about her appearance before, but lately it has been starting to affect her, and today was the first time in a while where she had felt so pretty.

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