Chapter 10

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Mark's parents were out of business again, and he needs to fill up their position while they're away.

He flicked over the pending project sheets with his finger, feeling agitated that he can't seem to get the work done on time just like he used too.

Renjun came in with a knock, Mark calls him in. He raises his head to meet his teammates – the one who's been ignoring him.

"Yes, Renjun? I'm surprised you even showed up in my office." Mark laid back, clicking on his tongue to tease him.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I'm just a bit busy." Renjun responded professionally. "I have arranged a very important business meeting for you."

Renjun walks over to Mark, handling him the schedule that he had planned. Renjun was never Mark official assistant, but he always acts like one.

"And who am I meeting?" Mark asked, observing the schedule closer.

"They're from a clothing line called 'M&H'" Renjun bit his lower lip in nervous, he doesn't usually lie, the fact that he hated it too.

Technically, he wasn't lying. He just didn't told Mark in detail.

"M&H? why does it sounded so familiar..." Mark placed down the file, leaning back on his chair. "Have I work with them before?" He added, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I believe no..." He gulped, beads of sweat forming over his forehead. His chest was pounding like it was about to explode.

Mark leans forward, huffing out a sigh before nodding his head as an agreement to the meeting. Renjun thanked him and quickly took the file and when he was about to leave Mark called him.

He turned around slowly, mouthing 'what' at him.

"I think you'll look better without the jacket and pull the shirt out from your pants."

Mark said briefly, he then continued his work on his laptop. Renjun frowned, why does Mark suddenly gave him fashion tips.

He paces out quickly, smacking his forehead in return. "He's a fashion designer, why am I forgetting shit."

No one from the building actually forget Mark's true talent. He ventures through fashion because of Donghyuck, that's merely why he can't remember his passion for it too.

And he wasn't even given a chance to be told or to be reintroduced about his own brand since he was blinded by his parent's agenda.

He draws few sketches on his meeting paper whenever he was on board with them. Mark thought it was just for fun, not knowing the establishment he had build.

It's not like he can't do research about himself just because he's curious. That could be the main problem.

He's not even interested to search himself up for a clear answer instead he wanders in his mind about Donghyuck.

Yes, Donghyuck.

Mark remembered the lad body proportions, his skinny leg, small waist, flawless golden skin. He looks back through his sketches, it was practically Donghyuck. Everything moves as if his muscle memory was controlling him.

But his mind wasn't.

Through all of that, his heart was genuinely confused. He recalls his night with Giselle, date night if you can call that. He wasn't actually feeling it, he enjoyed her company, but everything seems like a sham to him. It doesn't feel sincere – deep down he thought.

"Hey." Mark snapped his trance; he saw Giselle leaning by his door.

"Sorry, I didn't saw you." He said, inviting her in.

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