139. Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine

Start from the beginning


"You're the Straw Hat crew, aren't you?" The same man, well, fishman from we can now, asks of us. My brows narrow as i look at him.

"Who are you?! How do you know about us?!( bro your a war criminal, i think everyone knows abt you 💀 )" luffy asks him with narrowed brows. I grip the Chi no me's handle tightly in a cautionary note.

"Of course I know about you. You're the pirates that took out Arlong's crew. If that's all you'd done, our reaction would be obvious. But of all things, two years ago you defended Hachi-san, a former member of Arlong's crew... and from what I hear, you even beat up one of those despicable Tenryuubito! Acts worthy of Fisher Tiger, the hero of Fishman Island who we all admire!" The leader says with a sharky grin as he held up his black fedora ( like muzan 😜 )

My eyes blink as my brows raise at the name of the man i was unsure of. "Fisher... tiger?" Robin says with her brows furrowed together. I relax my hand and place it on my hip instead as i eye the fishman.

"Humuhumuhumo, i can't decide what to do with you. Hey, tell me... are you friends, or foes? I'll let you choose... will you join us, the New Fishman pirates? ( no 💋 ) or will you refuse us? If you say no, then we'll sink you right now!" The leader threatens, making my brows narrow again

'Guess i was wrong' i immediately place my hand on Chi no me's handle again. "What?!?" Luffy exclaims in disbelief.

"Franky, refill the fuel." Nami tells Franky quietly, i simply keep eyeing the three Fishman narrowly. "Huh? What are you planning?" Franky responds in a quiet yet surprised tone

"There's no way Luffy and the others will do what those guys say. Even so, we're ten thousand meters underwater. We can't even fight down here. There's no chance of winning. So, let's flee!" Nami responds, too which she was correct upon.

"We'll use up all the air left on the ship in one last Coup de burst to charge straight toward the island!" Nami adds on, making Chopper and Brook go into their frames with a screach from her words.

"Are you serious?!" Franky asks of her in surprise, i keep eyeing the fishmen with a narrowed look, simply listening to their conversation.

"It's either that, or we all came this way just to die..." nami says with narrowed eyes, Robin nods in agreement. "True. I can't see any other way to survive this." Robin ponders with a frown, i nod lightly in agreement.

"Right! I'll go fill up the fuel tanks! Franky! You steer the ship!" Usopp yells as he turns and runs off to do what he said. I just looked at him briefly before looking forward again while Franky went to the wheel like he was told to.

"You got it! I'll handle it superbly!" Franky exclaims as the ( i forgot what their called again 😭 ) went up. The drinking Fishman with flushed pink hair looked over down at us while he said something to his boss from what i suspect.

"So, will you become our underling, Straw hat Luffy?" The yellow one calls out to Luffy, who gains a smile as he lifts his head, grinning. "No way. Moron!"

His words most likely anger the Fishmen, especially the leader. "You refuse... you rejected my invitation to join the New Fishman pirates?! In that case, you are enemies of the Fishmen! Just a group of sinful humans!"

"Idiots! Why should I have to be your underling?!" Luffy taunts, making me snap my eyes at him.

"LUFFY! DONT TAUNT THEM!" Chopper and i say in different tones.

"What a shame. There's no way I can let you pass now. You're gonna sink, right here! Sea lion!" The sea lion lets a roar out as it began to swim towards us fastly, making me focus again as i look forward, my hold on Chi no me's handle. Usopp must of sent the go ahead to Franky due to him yelling, 'got it!'

"Sea lion, sink them!"

"Wanna fight?!" Luffy yells, his fist at the ready. I go ahead to take Chi no me out if necessary, my eyes sharpen.

"Do it, franky!!" Nami orders to Franky, "the sunny is a lion too! Let's settle the score some other day, sea lion! Here goes... coup de burst!!"

And just as the sea lion went to bite the sunny, the sunny sped forward into the air, though the air started to disappear, so the bubble caved in, smashing us down, pressing against our backs.

"Why does this time have to be this hard...?! ( thats what she said )"

"I'm gonna be flattened... ugh!"

"I cannot fill my lungs... though i do not have lungs..."

"Endure it! Until we break through to fishman island!"

'That reminds me of my ban from Fishman island even though i did travel with whitebeard through it last time..'

"We're breaking through!" Franky yells out, making me place those thoughts to the side for the moment too instead snap my head up with the best of my abilities to see the approaching Fishman island.


And thus, we break through, the coating being blasted off as we fly through the sky of the island. Sitting up a brightened look coming over my face.

"The coating came off! It was absorbed by the giant bubble!"

"Look ahead! What could that be~?!"

"This bubble has two layers!"

I get some looks by Chopper and Nami. Making me snap my head at them with a sweatdrop, "don't give me that look! It's been a while since i've came here!" I shout at them.

"Hold on tight! We're going to need another coup de burst!" Franky yells, and i grab the railing tightly as the sunny crashed through the water, making my breath come out in bubbles as i kept my hold tightly on the railing

I began to lose my conscience( also btw, she lost her counsioince because she IS a dev fruit user )

One piece extras ;
ooo. "I began to pass out, and my head hit the wall and... BAMP"
ooo. She lost her consciousness easily because of her being a devil fruit user
ooo. It's been a while since she last came to fishmen island, and she wasn't quite good at the exact details of passing through/getting too it all that much, which is why she forgot about the double bubble layers 😭

1496 words

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