meet haruka kazuki

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Inside a neatly arranged classroom, students sit at their desks, quietly awaiting the arrival of their teacher. The air is filled with a mix of anticipation and nervousness as the students know today is test day. Suddenly, the door swings open, and the teacher enters, carrying a stack of test papers.

With a warm smile, the teacher distributes the test papers to each student, including one to Haruka, who sits confidently at the front of the class. As the teacher hands Haruka their paper, they make a casual yet meaningful remark, "Haruka, always number one."

Haruka's face lights up with a mixture of pride and humility as they graciously accept the compliment. "Thank you, teacher," they respond earnestly.

The rest of the class, inspired by Haruka's consistent academic excellence, breaks into spontaneous applause. The sound of hands clapping fills the room as the classmates show their appreciation for Haruka's hard work and dedication. Haruka bows modestly in response to the applause, feeling both honored and motivated to continue striving for excellence.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of class, the atmosphere in the room shifts. While most students gather their belongings and chat animatedly with their friends, a group of boys at the back of the class exchange mocking remarks directed at Haruka. Their taunts echo through the room, filled with jeers about Haruka being a "smarty pants" and lacking a girlfriend.

Unfazed by their words, Haruka's expression remains composed, almost detached, as he listens to their insults. However, something changes in his demeanor when he leans in, his grin taking on an unexpectedly sinister edge. His eyes gleam with a hint of mischief as he thanks them, his voice low and dripping with an unsettling confidence.

The boys, taken aback by Haruka's sudden shift in demeanor, fall silent, a chill running down their spines as they sense an unfamiliar intensity radiating from him. Haruka's words hang in the air, carrying an unspoken warning that sends a shiver down their spines.

Inwardly, Haruka's mind races with a mix of emotions. While part of him feels the urge to engage in a physical confrontation, another part of him recognizes the futility of such actions. Instead, he channels his aggression into a mental fight, envisioning himself delivering a powerful slap to one of the boys, the impact reverberating through his mind with satisfying force.

With his hands casually tucked into his pockets, Haruka calmly exits the classroom, leaving the boys at the back in a state of uneasy uncertainty. His enigmatic demeanor leaves them questioning their earlier bravado, unsure of what to make of the intriguing mix of confidence and intensity that Haruka exudes.

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