Chapter 1 - Aaron

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This morning I was woken up by Chief Strauss's phonecall, informing me that we're been sent to an emergency case in New York. Despite my exhaustion, I get out of bed and call the rest of the team in. As I walk to my closet I notice the laundry piling up besides the closet and I curse myself for not having enough time to take care of it. I put on the second to last clean suit I have and move on. My go-bag is still on the couch from when I threw it there last night after we returned from Ohio. So, I unpack and pack it again before leaving the house.

Once again, I grab a four-shot Americano on my way to the bureau to fight my closing eyelids and force my brain up to speed. Arriving to the bureau, I drive into the garage and prepare to park on my usual spot. But someone else has taken it.

"Can this fucking day get any better?" I whisper to myself.

Luckily, I find another spot close by and call it a day. I don't care if it's someone else's right now. The spots aren't actually assigned, but it is almost like an unspoken deal here that everyone working in the building has their spot to prevent confusion and delays.

I drag myself out of the car and make it inside. I have finished my coffee by the time I reach my office but I'm still waiting for the caffeine to kick in. I close my door and sit in my chair with a loud sigh. I rub my eyes and take a deep breath. Just one more case. One more week. One more day, man.

A knock on the door almost causes me to jump. "Come in" I speak up.

Dave opens the door. "We're ready" he informs me

"I'll be right there" I reply.

I grab a file and head to the conference room. Garcia stands from her seat as I enter and starts the briefing. I remain on my feet and take a look at the case file in my hands.

After that, I return to my office. I drop the file on the desk and sigh. I rub my eyes again. I take one more deep breath and I get ready to leave. But opening my door, I find Dave waiting for me on the other side.

"What?" I ask as I walk away

"Are you ok? You don't seem well lately" he says as he walks along with me

"I'm fine"

"I tend to not believe that word anymore" he admits as we reach the elevator

"That's not my problem" I reply as I tap on the button

"I'm just saying there is no shame in taking a few days off in order to get some rest. I can handle it here" he suggests

"I'm telling you, I'm fine" I insist.

The doors of the elevator open and I freeze as soon as my eyes land on the person inside. The air gets knocked out of me. I am hit with the biggest rush of adrenaline and a wave of warmth spreads inside my chest.

"Ally..." I breathe out.

It has been 8 years since the last time I saw her. She looks even better than I remembered. How is that even fucking possible? Her face has matured, giving her sharp edges more definition. Her body is curvier. Her hair is not blonde anymore, they are back to her natural brown. It makes her blue eyes even brighter as they stare into mine.

"Aaron... Hi" she replies. I notice her swallowing nervously after responding to me. She clears her throat. "Are you, gentlemen, going down?" she asks, reminding me that Dave is standing right besides me.

"We are" he answers as he steps inside first.

I follow and stand on the opposite side of where Ally is standing to avoid making her feel uncomfortable. I can't read her. I don't know if she's sad, nervous or happy about this unexpected meeting. One thing is for certain; I am not unhappy to see her.

Dave turns towards her, "Agent Lively, it's good to see you again. How is Paris treating you?" he asks, surprisingly

"It's been great. Ambassador Montgomery is sending her regards" she says with a smile.

I feel my heart skip.

"Remind me to invite you for dinner once we're back from this case" he tells her

"I am expecting a 7-course meal", her tone is playful

"You got it. Hayden will send people all the way from Paris to kill me if I don't take care of you" he replies

She laughs and my heart explodes. This feeling never went away.

The elevator gets to the garage and the doors open. Ally walks out first and I see her go to her car -the car that is parked on my spot.

"So..." Dave speaks up, "You know each other?" he wonders

"I was going to ask you the same thing" I return the question to avoid answering it

"We happened to work together once a few years ago when I visited Italy. There was a small case I assisted there, Agent Lively worked as a Legal Attaché for the FBI in the Embassy at that time. But she transferred to Paris last year where she has been working with Hayden -my second ex-wife- in the Embassy" he explains.

So, she's still traveling Europe as a Legal Attaché for the FBI. That's great. That is what she always wanted.

"Your turn" Dave says


"How do you know Agent Lively-- Excuse me, I mean Ally, since you seem to be on nickname basis" he points out

"We liaised back when I was in Seattle field office" I answer, which is not untrue

"Liaised in what way?" he side-eyes me

"I was her training agent 13 years ago when she was fresh out of the Academy" I explain.

I was notified that Agent Allison Lively arrived, so I head to the lobby to greet her. As I get there, I see her waiting by the front desk while nervously biting her lip and bouncing her right leg. I remember those days...

"Agent Lively?" I call as I approach her

"Agent Hotchner... It's good to finally meet you up close, sir" she says and we shake hands

"Call me Aaron, please" I ask her

"Ok" she smiles. I smile back.

I give her her brand new badge and take her to her desk. I asked for her to be put in the desk besides me so I can keep an eye on her since this is my first time training an Agent.

"Please, get comfortable because today will be a pretty boring day" I admit

"That is alright"

"You don't have to lie to me, really. I've been there and I can definitively tell you that it will be a little boring at first but if you do well, you'll get cleared for the field in no time" I reassure her

"How long did it take you to get cleared for the field?" she wonders

"4 months" I answer

"I'll be ready in 2" she replies as she takes her seat and gets working.

I like her already.

"And?" Dave asks

"And nothing. That's all"

"I don't believe you. Because before going into that elevator, you looked like a zombie, and now you're glowing brighter than the sun"

"The 4 shots of espresso kicked in" I lie, "I'll see you on the jet" I say as I walk away from him.

I get in my car and I let out a breath of relief. My mind and heart are racing. I didn't think I'd ever see her again. What is she doing here? Is she staying? Is she leaving again? Did she expect to see me? What is she thinking right now? Is she sad that we met? Is she happy? How has she been all this years? There are so many questions that I can't answer.

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