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He nervously walked towards the podium with Taehyung's encouragement. His palms got sweaty and his legs started to shiver but when Jin placed a hand on his back, it all went away as he looked at the crowd watching him with calming gazes. They all knew Jimin like the back of their hands and the least they could do was make him comfortable.

Jimin looked around the hall, the old lady stood at one corner, raising her fists as an action of encouragement. She smiled widely when Jimin's eyes landed on her.

 Jimin smiled back and took a long breath, "Hello, everyone. I am Jiminie- I mean Jimin, Seokjin hyung's brother. Thankyou all for coming here to wish me on my 18th birthday. Thankyou!" he ended and rushed to stand behind Jin.

The crowd was filled with 'aww's and Taehyung just face palmed himself. The oldest angel, Genji had a hint of smile on his face but it turned into a frown once he blinked.

Everyone's attention snapped towards Genji as he held his head. They knew what was happening. It's Jimin's first mission. This is what happened everytime.

 The massive headache when Genji gets the mission from the stars, it's here. But for the first time in forever, blood dripped down his nose as he tried to sit up properly. Seokjin rushes to his side and puts a supporting arm on him.

A few moments later, Genji slowly opens his bloodshot eyes, blood dripping from his eyes slightly and looks directly at Jimin who cowered a little under his gaze.

"Earth. It's on the Earth. Your first mission." he hoarsely said and walked out of the hall with Jin and Hoseok's help.

The crowd started to disappear as Jimin watched with wide eyes. Once the hall was empty, Taehyung and the old lady rushed to his side.

"Ahjumma, I didn't know that an angel's first mission could be in the Human Realm. It has never happened before!"Tae exclaimed.

The old lady sighed, patting Jimin's head, "It has happened before. But the angel couldn't survive in heaven after that."

Taehyung's eyes widened comically,"Eh?! Why the hel- I mean in the heavens did they not survive? And how did I not know this? When did it even happen? Will Jiminie be okay? I don't want to send him to that place!"

The lady gave Taehyung a warning look when he was about to curse but calmed down when he corrected it by himself.

The old lady sighed out loud, "It's love. She loved a man. But we shouldn't ever fall in love with anyone from the human realm. And so she had to be put dow-" She stopped telling the story in the middle and looked at Jimin with glossy eyes.

"My baby, never fall in love with anyone from the human realm. And even if that thought comes in your mind somehow, please remember us. Your hyung, Hoseok, Taehyung, me and the people here. Please don't let the history repeat itself. That's all I have to say."

And as she said that, Jin and Hoseok walked back inside and Jimin immediately ran into his brother's arms. Jin sighed, hugging Jimin's head to his chest. Hoseok stroked Jimin's hair, removing the tangles gently.

Seokjin and Hoseok also knew about what happened the last time and it was a huge loss for Hoseok. The girl, Maira, was his friend from childhood. Hoseok did his best to save her but it was all useless.

"Jimin-ah, it's going to be okay. Look at me, hun."Seokjin said, calmly. And Jimin looked up with glossy eyes.

"What happened to Maira was because she made a mistake.The mistake was not about falling on love. It was falling for a human. And I know you would never do that. You know why?" Jin asked.

Jimin just shook his head, curiously peering at his hyung. Seokjin smiled at him and looked at Hoseok who was busy untangling Jimin's hair. Jimin's line of sight followed his brother and it gained Hoseok's attention.

Hoseok awkwardly retreated his hand, "Um what were you talking about just now?"

A red hue spread on Jimin's cheeks as he realized what the healer was doing until now. "We were just talking about Jimin's cru-"Jimin slapped a hand on his brother's mouth and bowed at Hoseok. "It's nothing, Hobi hyung."Jimin exclaimed, slightly punching his bother on his stomach.

"Well, ouch but okay. I won't tell him." Jin exaggerated while Jimin glared at him.

The healer looked back and forth between the brothers duo suspiciously, "Are you both trying to ignore my existence here?"

"I might be but Jimin, here, can't."Jin said, earning a slap on his forearm from his younger one. "What?" he silently mouthed at Jimin. The youngest shook his head a few times in disapproval but bowed shyly at the healer.

Hoseok squinted his eyes at the older angel, "So hyung, did you just say that you ignore my existence?"

Jin made a -_- face and looked at the very oblivious healer, "Hoseok, I'm really curious about how you became a healer cuz no healer that I have ever seen is this dumb."

Jimin laughed out loud, drawing Hoseok's attention to himself before the Healer gets more offended by his brother. Hoseok smiled at Jimin, "Well, at least you made Jiminie smile, hyung. I'll let it go just this once."

The Healer turned towards Jimin, displaying a bright smile, "Minnie, come over to my place for dinner today, I can tell you all about the Human world."

Jimin couldn't believe what he just heard. Him alone with Hoseok? That too for dinner. His inner fan boy screamed with joy but it lasted until,

"Hyung, you should also come over! We can throw a small dinner party for Jimin's birthday. Oh wait, we should invite Taehyung also." Jin noticed how the smile in his little brother's face vanished.

"I- uh -I think I have this work of packing and arranging Jimin's things and Taehyung is gonna help me with it. Why not just take Jiminie along with you? We'll join you later?" Jin suggested, feeling sad for his sulky brother.

"Okay, hyung. Anything's fine. Be there at 7, Jiminie. See ya, both!" Hoseok waved at the brothers as Jin held Jimin's hand.

Jin looked at Jimin for a second, "He is really oblivious to his surroundings. Say, I just tell him about your crush slowly, if you want?" Jin suggested. He was fully down with Jimin being with Hoseok. Even the whole heaven was. Normally, it was a sin to be with the same gender but it was made common these days.

"N-no. It's fine, hyung. Maybe I'll tell him today. What if I don't return back home just like Maira." Jimin worriedly said.

Jin smacked Jimin on his head, "Shut up! You're worried for nothing. You just do your mission and get back here as fast as possible and everything will be fine."

Jimin whined at the hit but nodded obediently.

Maybe he should get over his stupid little crush. The healer had no intentions of loving someone as he had already mentioned.

Jimin's thoughts were all over the place as he sighed and followed his hyung back into the mansion.

Need some advice guys!

What to do when they are not interested in saving the relation between us? I don't think I can help save it again.

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