It's gonna be easy.

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A group of four greeted me warmly as we approached her coworkers. She explained that these four individuals were the managers of the animatronics at the Mega Pizza Plex.
"These are the managers of our animatronics," she said, gesturing towards the group.

The happy-looking young adult extended their hand and introduced themselves as Freddy's manager. "Nice to meet you, I'm in charge of Glamrock Freddy. Welcome aboard!"

The stylish man with dyed hair smiled and greeted me next. "Hey, I'm Roxanne Wolf's manager. I'm glad to have you on the team."

The girl with Y2K-style clothes and hair waved and introduced herself as Chica's manager. "Hi, I'm handling Glamrock Chica. Welcome to the crew!"

Lastly, the guy with the short green mullet and piercings gave me a nod. "I'm Montgomery Gator's manager. Good to have you here."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N," I said, extending my hand to each of the animatronics managers.

The happy-looking young adult with a smile introduced himself as Ryan, Freddy's manager. "Great to have you on board, Y/N."

The stylish man with dyed hair nodded and introduced himself as Jordan, Roxanne's manager. "Pleasure to meet you, Y/N."

The girl with Y2K-style clothes and hair grinned and introduced herself as Lily, Chica's manager. "Welcome to the team, Y/N!"

The guy with the short green mullet and piercings gave a friendly nod and introduced himself as Tyler, Montgomery's manager. "Good to have you here, Y/N."

I turned to Laura, the girl with the green hair, and asked her about my role as a rolling assistant. She chuckled softly and explained, "As a rolling assistant, you'll be able to float around and assist any of the managers or mechanics with tasks as needed. You'll have the flexibility to help out in various areas of the Mega Pizza Plex."

She continued, "However, until you're fully trained, you'll be working as an assistant in the daycare area. It's a great opportunity to learn the ropes and get familiar with the operations here before diving into other roles."

I nodded, grateful for the clarification, and followed Laura as she led me towards the daycare area. "Thank you for explaining, Laura. I'm eager to learn and help out wherever I can," I said with a smile, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

Laura returned the smile. "I'm glad to hear that, Y/N. The daycare area is a fun place to start, and you'll get to interact with the kids and see how everything operates here at Mega Pizza Plex."

As we walked towards the daycare area, Laura continued, "Once you get the hang of things here, you'll have the chance to explore other areas and assist different teams. It's a dynamic role that allows you to experience various aspects of our operations."

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