A deal between devils

Start from the beginning

Her  footsteps echoed the vast, dark tunnel stretched beyond her vision.  Water tapped the concrete floor and the scent of mold and mucus was  something you had to get used to. As she rushed through it, through the  tunnels that connected, to their part of town, her mind raced. If the  entity was on the move, it meant something was happening. Someone was  about to die. She wasn't one to believe in religion but it'd appeared  near deaths for a long time now. There was no commonality. Religion?  Age? Sex? She sighed as she scrunched her nose.
"Miss Scarlet"
She halted in her steps. Two guards stood by the entrance, guns in hand.
"Kali  called on security already?" She asked calmly. They nodded solemnly. It  must be close if it has her this anxious. The guards parted for her and  she entered the lower staircase to Kali's personal floor. It wasn't as  dark as the caverns, but it still smelt of that rusty scent. As she  ascended, she pondered. Crowley, in the past week, had changed so much.  That aggressive, sassy person was gone, replaced by a shell of a person.  Was it Lucifer? was it the family he'd told her about when he came home  drunk? she scratched her head at every opportunity but all she could  come up with was more questions. As she ascended, the stair case gained soft orange  light and the door at the end opened with a creak; leading to a soft lit hallway of doors,  walls painted in soft red. She halted by the door, listening in. There were two  voices further down, at her office. Feminine.

"Miss Kali?"
Kali  perked up and nodded softly at a young man. Eddie. A employee of the B  section for supernaturals. He approached timidly and lifted a iPad to  her. She quirked a brow and took it, gently tapping on it as a screen  lit up. The surface map. White lines indicated buildings and grey lines  indicated paths. A red dot was marked on the map with coordinates.
"It's moved" She pointed out.
"It's  on a straight path to the main entrance to Eitir." Eddie replied,  anxiously rocking back and forward. Kali nodded. If her prediction was  right, the entity was gonna enter Eitir in a week. Whatever it was. And  they'd be right there to welcome it.
"Run code black and alert the  team" She commanded. Eddie nodded, gently grabbed the iPad and scurried  out as a knock was heard on the door. A young woman opened, a sickening  grin on her pale face as she closed the door behind her.
Lucifer aisuru. Quite the specimen. A being of supernatural capabilities yet no information of said capabilities. It was intriguing.
Lucifer smirked. "You look as stunning as ever"
The rat's posture was firm, but something was off. Kali leaned back in her chair. What did this rat want now?
"What  brings you here, instead of a employee?" Kali asked calmly. Lucifer was  a cunning rat. One you wouldn't mess with. As powerful as herself, they  stood on equal foot.
"I thought I'd come down here personally"  Lucifer replied in that sickly sweet tone and wafted a document folder around. Kali quirked a brow.
"The papers from the research archive"
That document. The value-able information of the research team that Lucifer and Kali funded for the community. They'd left abruptly, leaving a archive of their reports somewhere in the city.. that rat must've sent Crow to fetch it before she could.
"I  assume you're not just feeling generous" Kali replied calmly. The  tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Oh  why can't a lonely woman just give a gift to her close friend?" Lucifer sang sarcastically, leaning in, with that smirk on her face. One thing she'd learnt from working alongside Lucifer for years was to never trust her words. She was a double edged sword.
"but if you insist". She paused for a moment, eyes on the document before it shifted to  Kali. "I do have a crow that needs a new leash". For a moment, a purple hue flickered past Lucifer's eyes, like a falling star. Crowley. That's why he'd felt off. Considering Lee wasn't around, she pondered if she was held hostage. Or... Considering Lucifer's movements as of late, so  close to the south side. Kali presumed Lee wasn't that idiotic.
"Can't control your employee's?" Kali inquired. Lucifer's eyes darkened for a moment before she chuckled. Softly.
"Funny of you to say that" Lucifer retorted, sarcastically. Spite the attempt at a reaction, Kali remained expressionless.
"I'll  hand over the documents, if you lend me your witches" Lucifer  continued. A spell. It'd make it a lot harder for Scarlet to protect  him. But those documents would be valuable information about the entity.  Whoever owned those documents when it'd arrive would be the one capable of containing it. If Lucifer owned it.. It'd mean the end of her area.  End of millions of people. Then it popped into her head.
"A witches  spell wouldn't guarantee 100% loyalty" she inquired. Lucifer's eyes  darkened as they searched hers. Calm. Nothing. If she suspected anything, Kali was fucked. They were opposites of each others. Lucifer's  weaknesses was Kali's strengths.
"And what do you propose?" Lucifer asked calmly. There's the catch. Time to reel it in.
"If  I personally played with his mind, he wouldn't question his loyalty to  you. He'd know nothing less.." She inquired. It'd also allow her to  help. In a different way. Lucifer just had to bite.
"Why would I let the enemy boss tinker with my toys?" Lucifer's voice was coiled with suspicion. Intrigue.
"It'd  benefit us both if your little boy didn't go out and rampage now,  wouldn't it?" Kali retorted. Her face was calm, blank, professional.  Lucifer leaned in. Squinting. For a moment, she hesitated.
"Neither  would it benefit me to have the shapeshifter.." Kali added, with a perk  of annoyance. "I have much better options then that"
Silence filled the room. Lucifer was aware of her projects. Of the bio weapons. It'd make logical sense Kali had no personal scientific interest in Crow. Between the two, Lucifer's power was more potent. More visible  then Kali's. Kali was the underground rats as Lucifer enjoyed the view  from her penthouse. Silence spoke louder then words though. Lucifer threw the document onto the desk with a soft sigh, perking up.
"Fine. Have fun with your documents" She quipped and walked to the door. With a smirk, she half turned.
"Always a pleasure doin business with you"
The door was left half slit open, with a red head perking in after Lucifer left. Concern laced her eyes.

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