Making sure not to wake the child up, the gorgeous female tiptoed to the corridor and went to her room to have a shower.

Becky knew how much Freen loved washing up and being fresh and clean. Obviously, she loved it too. But her main reason to do that before talking to the older one was to please her.

It was already 11:45 when the younger one found her lover sitting by the pool.

The handsome woman had a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other.

__ Welcome home, teerak.__ Freen's voice sounded warm and sexy.

__ Thank you, babe. Can I have a sip of your wind?__ The Thai-British smiled and stood in front of the artist.

Freen smirked and pulled her closer after standing up, which caused their bodies to rub against each other.

The brunette crossed her arms around her partner's neck and kissed her.

Becky felt the wine entering her mouth along her lover's soft and delicious tongue.

She felt aroused and happy to be in her woman's presence.

When they stopped kissing, the 32-year-old sat again and pulled the stunning actress to her lap.

__ Our daughter missed you. I'm glad you could come back soon.__ The handsome one commented.

Beaming, the international star teased:

__ Was she the only one who missed me?

Making a poker face, the taller one replied:

__ Of course not. Bon Bon, Boba, and Fluffy missed you too, na ka.

Becky giggled and squeezed her roommate's cheek before placing several pecks on her plump lips.

__ I miss this mouth so freaking much! Ugh!

The 32-year-old smirked and whispered into the brown-haired female's ear:

__ This mouth misses your taste too. I can't wait to suck and bite your lips. All of them.

__ P'Freeeeen!__ Becky laughed and blushed.

Even though she was a daring woman, the Thai-British still got slightly flustered by the rare times the older one flirted with her for real.

Becky could act self-confident in front of the cameras. But in her mind, she was still the introverted girl who struggled to approach her Phi years ago.

__ Listen, BB... Don't accept invitations tomorrow. I'd rather not say anything and surprise you 200%. But you would end up saying yes to a dozen dates.

Showing her cute dimple while grinning, the younger one asked:

__ Why not? What are we doing tomorrow?

Nibbling Becky's earlobe, the charming brunette whispered:

__ Secret. Just do what I said. Okay?

The Thai-British smirked and kissed her partner's shoulder.

__ Alright, boss daddy.

Freen laughed and hugged her partner affectionately.

They sat side by side and watched the stars and the moon for a while. Then Becky's phone vibrated at midnight and she glanced at her partner with a funny expression:

__ You didn't...

__ I didn't what?__ The older one seemed suspicious.

When the brown-haired female logged on to her X account, she saw Freen's post for her birthday.

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