Chapter 1

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Cody walked through the halls of his school, pushing through the crowds of bustling students, his eyes catching on Noah and Emma walking together and holding hands, yet it was such a simple act it filled cody with jealousy and sadness, he continued to go to his math class, his mind filled with Emma with Noah. Noah was all he cojkd think about, why couldn't Noah feel the same way, the same way he felt for Emma. Cody found his maths class only ti realise he forgot to grab his textbooks,he quickly rushed to his locker, typing in the code and grabbing his textbooks before rushing back to class.

♡time skip♡

Cody fidgeted with his pencil, bored out if his mind as his teacher ranked on about algebra he already knew, Cody found himself staring at Noah, his long silky hair and his chocolate brown eyes filled Cody with joy yet sadness, sadness that Noah barley knew he existed. Eventually the class finally ended, sending Cody to his next class, English, he hated English. Why you may ask, because it was the only class Emma and Noah were in together and they always made him feel sad and angry but most if all, jealous.

(Lol it's 1 in the morning for me rn and this is all I can write for the moment, pls comment some inspo)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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