Chapter 13

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"Fuc-" I cut myself off

Well if she wants his sorry ass she can go ahead. Not like I care.

I grab my phone and dial in a number unsure of my motives for this particular phone call.

One ring...

Two rings...

"Hello?" Lillana asks

"Hey its Will."

"How'd you get my number?"

"I have my ways. Listen do you want to maybe hang out?"

A moment of silence passes over between us before I decided to say something else, "Goldilocks?"

"My name is Lilliana. And sure I guess. What's with the sudden interest?"

"Great pick you up at seven bye." I hang up the phone sighing and placing it face down on the table.

I head to the bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes which looked full of life just a few short days ago, are now hallow with dark bags hanging under my eyes. A blank expression resides on my face, while my unruly hair gives my face an dark shadowy finish.

Basically, I look like one of them.

I turn on the faucet splashing my face with water and tugging my hand through my hair, in an attempt to make it look better.

"Hey Will." Mark says, pushing the door open a bit

"What." I ask

"Someone's on the phone for you." He says before handing me the phone

I take the phone out of his hand before giving him a really small smile and then look at the phone, "what."

"Geez, earlier you seemed fine." Lilliana chuckles

I sigh, "yeah. What do you want?"

"With our 'hangout' do you want to do that today?" She asks

"Yea. Sure. See you at seven." With that I hang up

I exit the bathroom after taking one more look at myself and my appearance. Sighing I head to my room and pick out appropriate date wear.

Whatever that was.

Honestly I didn't put much thought into the outfit, it was just whatever was there. And my jacket.

"Mark! I'm going out, Mrs. Johnson is going to come over to check on you guys alright?" I yell

A muffled okay, comes from Mark's room, satisfied I head over to the neighbors apartment and ask her to check up on them.

After getting that taken care of I go to pick up Lilliana.

As I get into my car my phone dings, signaling a new text.

Goldilocks: 1500 Merrydrive Lane 65508

I plug it in, into my GPS then head off to get this 'date' over with.


"Hey." Lilliana says, getting into the car

I give her a small smile, "hey."

She shuts the door, and I start the engine and drive out of her neighborhood.

"So.." she starts

"Before you say anything this is a friendly date. But to anyone else, it was an actual date."

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