A house had caught fire or set on fire, the details weren't known yet.

We didn't care to inquire much because why bother, it didn't really have anything to do with us.

"What about it?" I ask.

"Is your mom doing well? Was she at the house?" Perez's father asks.

Alarm bells go off in my mind like sirens. Blue and red lights flashing and that deafening sound.

"What?" My heart stops.

"Were you there, dear? Were you home? I know that you like being out with your friends late-" He starts, but I cut him off.

"The house- what?" My breathing stops also.

There's a pause, I hear shuffling and then Perez's mom's voice sounds out, "Oh, dear. Didn't you know? So, you were out?"

"What are you talking about?" My brain clearly isn't working right now.


"Your house was burning, how didn't you know, Carmelita?" She accuses me.

I almost dropped my phone.

That was my house.


"My mom-" I draw in a breath, and gulp, "Was she in there?"

She sighs, "We don't know yet, only the family is notified. The details are yet to be disclosed."

No fucking one has called me.

"I-" I don't know what to say or do right now. I press a hand to my chest and turn around to see them standing by my door, arms crossed over their chest as they bluntly eavesdrop.

"Also, Carmen. Have you seen Francis, is he with you? Tell him to call us right this second okay? He isn't picking up the phone"

If I could I would deck this woman in the face.

I grit my teeth together, anger coming over panic. "Will," fucking, "do. Bye."

I hang up the call. Instead of throwing my phone against the wall and watching it shatter, I toss it to my bed.

"Someone put a fucking fire on my house. Oh, yeah, fun. So fucking fun. And I don't know if my mother and her lovely friends fried up like chicken or they are at the hospital or fucking what?" I dig my hands int0 my hair, breathing heavily.

I sit down on the edge of my bed, but I immediately scramble back to my feet when I see the twins still standing there.

"What?" I grimace at them. "What a lovely show innit?"

Kian snorts a short laugh but quietens down.

"That was your house?" Wren scrunches up his brows, still arms crossed and leaning against the threshold.

Kian sits on my bed.

"Guys!" We hear a yell and then strong footsteps aggressively walking up the stairs.

"In Carm's room!" Kian yells back for directions as the footsteps near my room.

A moment later Alexandra steps into a room. Stopping by a threshold next to Wren.

"Where is Francis Perez Grant?" Not the government name. How does she even know his parents' names???

She looks the most serious I have ever seen her.

Not an ounce of amusement or playfulness in her body, standance or voice. Her eyes hard as stone, she means business.

We blink.

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