Chapter Fourteen: Home

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We'd been home for a week.
Waiting for Samson to update us, but so far he had been silent.
The program he was meant to plant had been triggered, giving Adam access to the security systems. He'd watched feeds daily, informing me Samson was still working and seemed to be living in the Grounds during his shifts.
Monte had received a phone call from a private number the day after we'd returned, it was one of the Groundkeepers asking if he'd seen some of their men and why his bar was suddenly closed.
He'd done a good enough job convincing them he was on a holiday in Latos, having no knowledge of the missing men, they'd left him alone since.
Adam stayed mostly in his office, organising the housing for our expected aid. We had two hundred pledged Warriors, with fifty weapon smiths and healers.
The mixture of Clans meant we had to find suitable housing for them that wouldn't cause any disturbances.
Though they were here to help, it didn't stop their own prejudice and home-life issues from being a problem.
With some help from local Packs, Tobias currently overseeing the Moree Pack, we were able to sort good enough accommodation for everyone, with Wolf guards at every Clan house for easy communication.
I leaned back from my spot on the floor beside Adam, my back leaning against the hardwood of his draws.
I pushed the pile of paperwork Adam had given me to read over and sign, away from me sighing.
My job as Luna, meant I oversee the schooling and medical centre expansions and improvements.
I had made it through six of the nine proposal packages I'd been handed. They were all at least one hundred pages thick and I had to read and sign every page, accepting or declining a request.
My hand cramped and I looked up at Adam.
He was leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed, breathing softly.
I picked up a scrunched up ball of paper that was my notes and tossed it at him, he caught it before it made it halfway, looking down at me with one eye closed.
"Bored are we, honey?" He smirked.
I rolled my eyes at him and climbed up his leg, purposefully being overbearing as I stretched across his lap, lifting a leg awkwardly half-straddle him.
He started to laugh at me, wrapping his arms under mine and lifting me into his lap.
I went limp, letting him pull me onto his shoulder and whined.
Adam chuckled again, I could feel his eyes roll as he stood up, holding me securely enough I didn't fall but I still secured my legs around his waist.
"Where we going?" I muttered against his shoulder, his warmth wrapping me in a wonderful, peaceful blanket.
"We're going home." He whispered, stepping into the elevator and kissing my hair.
I nodded in agreement, letting myself fall asleep for a bit until I felt Adam lay me on our bed and start to take off my shoes.
I opened my eyes, sitting up and trying to shoo him away but he moved around my hands and pushed me to lay back down.
He undressed me and then disappeared for a moment, before returning with a handful of clothes and dressing me in soft pink winter pyjamas.
He undressed himself and climbed into the bed with me, pulling me under the covers and handing me the tv remote.
"Pizza will be here in ten." He said, kissing my cheek.
I smiled, looking at him and seeing the golden swirl in his eyes made my heart skip a beat.
I almost couldn't believe I had only known him for three weeks, but the pull of our mate bond and the feeling that flowed between us, made me feel like I had known and loved him for a life time. His scent intoxicated me and his touch drove me wild, sending my heart and stomach in flutters and knots.
He stroked my cheek softly with his thumb, our bond pulsing with a powerful love that almost ached, making me smile wider and lean in to kiss him passionately, my core aching in an odd way.
He pulled back for a moment, giving me a slightly shy look. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion before the metallic smell hit me and I threw myself out of the bed, into the bathroom and locking the door behind me in panic.
Oh my. I'd forgotten. I swore at myself suddenly looking through the draws only finding bandages and other medical items for bleeding, but not the ones I needed.
I'd used magic the last few months to keep my period at bay while I escaped, but I had forgotten to make a new elixir this month, I wasn't sure of the side effect of not taking it, but the fire that cramped my back and pelvis gave me a good indication it wasn't great.
A knock came lightly at the door.
"Mira, open the door." Adam called softly, his voice and bond flooding with love and understanding.
I looked around and then finally down at myself, seeing the red stain across the pyjamas, making my cheeks burn.
I looked at the shower and quickly undressed, stuffing the clothes into the washing machine beside the basin.
"Wait until I've unlocked the door and gotten in the shower, okay?" I called back quickly, trying to keep the strain out of my voice, turning on the shower.
I didn't unlock the door until Adam agreed, feeling him fight between understanding and Alpha pride. He knew I wasn't injured, but the smell of my blood brought Alpha forward, his need to comfort almost unbearable, I found myself dashing to the shower and throwing the fogged glass closed.
I heard something plastic and then the beep of machines starting, before I saw Adam's silhouette in the glass door.
"Don't think about it." I grumbled, turning away from the door as I furiously cleaned the blood that stained me.
Ignoring me, Adam opened the door and stepped in.
I did my best to ignore him, but my embarrassment, pain and sudden rush of hormones made me start to cry, causing him to wrap his arms around me in a hug, pulling my back against his chest, the heat soothing the ache in it making me sigh with a shaky breath.
He kissed my hair and whispered soothing words in my ears until the water ran cold and he turned it off, stepping out of the shower for a split second before wrapping me in a fluffy, dryer warmed towel and pulling out a black set of winter pyjamas and underwear.
I looked up from my feet, crying finally finished and saw two packets of sanitary pads and a tin of tampons.
I looked at Adam, who looked nervous for a moment when he caught my eye.
"I wasn't sure, so I got all kinds that Tahlia had and they had different types of the pads, so I got both." He shrugged, looking at me to see my response.
I sorted a pad, slightly embarrassed by Adam watching me as I pulled the now bulky underwear on, but forgot all my concerns when he helped me dress in the warm clothes and led me to the bed.
"I called Bev, she said she was bringing something else to help." He said as he pulled on pants and ducked out the door, Bev's scent coming through the house.
He was back within a few minutes, carrying two pizza boxes and a fabric bag filled with items. Placing both in the middle of the bed, he climbed under the covers and opened his pizza box, shunting the bag towards me.
Inside was chocolate and peanut butter snacks from Liam, a hot-water bottle with a fluffy black cover Adam went and filled for me when I asked what it was for, a paper bag of Moree dried meats from Tobias and a small wolf toy from Valik and Jonathan. I giggled, putting the toy with Helena and Amelia's on my bedside, wincing as the pain in my stomach tightened.
Adam was back, he climbed beside me and smiled.
"You put it where it hurts, Bev uses one in her office all the time." He explained as he pulled me forward from where I sat, placing the bottle on my lower back then leaning me into it.
I instantly sighed in relief at the warmth as it spread across my back, almost moaning from the release of the cramping.
Adam chuckled, getting into his side and starting to eat his pizza.
"I'll let you enjoy your new emotional support buddy, we're watching Full Moon Raging." He said with a smile, turning on the tv.
I shrugged. "Just give me pizza and no one gets hurt."
He gave a hearty laugh that made me smile as he slid a pizza box onto my lap.
We ate happily and watched the terrible 80's horror movie that instantly had a place in my heart, especially when seeing Mr. L wasn't a large foreboding hero. But a small, unsuspecting Wolf who in the end saved everyone from the 'hero' who went bad.
Adam refilled my hot-water bottle before we fell asleep, wrapping me in a tight hug and kissing my Mark until I dozed off.

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