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The male lead won't fall as low as to throw food on enemies, right?


It's like it happens in slow motion, i see Caden lift his arm holding the tray high over Wilde's head and my body acts before i can think, slamming my forearm against the tray, making the tray fall to the floor with a loud bang! Tears fill my eyes and threaten to fall due to the pain from the collision of my arm against the edge of the tray.

Caden looks shocked, as if he never expected his most loyal bitch to act against him. And i am filled at rage at his stupidity. Is this how a dignified male lead is supposed to act? Are we all hitting low? If thats the case then...i take my own food plate and slam it against the male lead's chest, making him stumble back and almost fall to the floor.

I can't help the smirk that spreads on my face. So satisfying ah!

After the delightful sound of the tray crashing the floor, there's a second of silence, before several pupils stand up and run towards Caden. What is he? The only doctor at the world's end?  Cause why else are people screaming and running around like they have lost all their hope?

I see rage filled menacing eyes fall on the Wilde and my own body. So terrifying! Keep looking at me like that and I'll scoop out all your eyes!

Should i take Wilde and try to make a run for it? Very practical considering how i will probably get beaten up soon if i keep standing here doing nothing.

But how long will i keep running for...it doesn't make sense considering the long term plans i have involving the main leads.

"Faye! What do you think you're doing? Taking the side of a bastard child? He's a whoreson! Stop walking this path of no return!" I hear a nameless NPC say, her spit flying everywhere. Jeee aren't you at a rich school? Why are you not 'well groomed'? I'll leave bad reviews about this place!

"He's a whoreson? You're blaming him for something he couldn't control, but what about you and your 1500s fashion? You had all the control you could have and still end up looking like a baboon in a bustle dress with your 5 bucks BBL," i say gesturing her butt that was protruding comically from the back, on it's way to reach the other side of the world.

The students around us look angry and impressed at the same time, angry cause i insulted one of their own, impressed cause they think they're looking at someone who's gonna end up on the guillotine soon but still dares to curse at the king.

I don't give them a chance to execute me.

I take out the original's phone and start livestreaming, explaining my nonexistent viewers about all that just happened before aiming the camera to the students surrounding Caden, Wilde and me, who looked ready to start mob lynching. The original didn't have all that many followers, but i just wanted to use the camera to intimidate people, hoping to the Gods that existed in this world to not let me end up in the hospital in a matchbox.

And the effect is almost immediate. People start backing away from the camera, hiding behind each other like the camera is a laser gun. These NPCs look kinda adorable shuffling around with guilty looks.

I admit I've been a bit reckless. I normally am not like this so i am a little confused why i am so impulsive ever since i stepped into this world...or did it start when i saw the villain sama? Either ways...at this point everything is a mess and i am very annoyed.

Right as i end the livestream, the bell rings, signifying the end of the lunch. Finally!

I grab Wilde's hand and drag him from his seat...finding it interesting that he kept eating his food calmly amidst all this drama...and past the male lead who is still standing in disarray and confusion leaning against...ooh? When did the female lead enter the chaos?

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