Thankfully the hall had started flooding with students and teachers since it was lunchtime.

I went to the Hufflepuff common room on the lookout for Sophia, I had given up on looking for Pansy, she clearly didn't want to be found.

I walked around the empty common room, she was probably sitting in the Great Hall, so I decided to leave, but bumped into someone.

"If it isn't Y/n", "Oh hi Levi, how are you?", I didn't talk with the boys from Hufflepuff that much since I chose Slytherin.

"Fine, what were you doing in the Hufflepuff common room?"

"Looking for Sophia"

"Oh, I have looked for her too, all day, she seemed upset"

Had something happened while I went to look for Malfoy, yeah something must've happened since they were both gone.

"Oh, Pansy was upset too, she stormed off about 30 minutes ago"

"Catfight huh?" he laughed, as I shook my head "Not funny Levi", he stopped laughing when he noticed my glare, my two best friends were upset, maybe they had a fight, who knows, but he was laughing and it pissed me off.

"Sorry, didn't mean it like that", Yeah right, I am no fool, but I didn't say anything, I just left.

I found my way back to my dorm room, it was empty, where did my sister go?

Oh maybe lunch, and I hadn't noticed my rumbling hungry stomach. I looked at the time, 10 minutes left, and I started running towards the Great Hall.

I slowed down right before entering, scanning the Hall to find my friends. At the Slytherin table, a Malfoy sat with dried blood on his hands, and Matheo on the other end of the table, with a bloody nose, still running. He hit him hard.

I saw Blaise, Theo and the others too, but no Pansy, and no Sophia at the Hufflepuff tables. I quickly glanced at the Gryffindor table in the hope of seeing a friendly face, and there it was, Hermione sitting with Harry and Ron, Thank Merlin, I couldn't bear sitting at the Slytherin table.

"Oh my Y/n, what happened" A worried Hermione said as I sat down next to her, "just a little incident" I lied, as I grabbed some food.

"Have you heard about the ball?" Hermione whispered, as I looked at her "What ball?", "The Yule ball everyone is talking about," she said excitedly "Yeah, the bloody ball everyone stays for over break" Ron spat, as he chewed on his chicken wing, mmh how charming.

"Oh, right, I haven't", she shook her head in disappointment "It's just a bloody ball Hermione" Ron said without lifting his gaze from his plate, wow, prick.

I knew that Hermione liked Ron, but I didn't understand why, at all, and she got pretty upset about his comment, arguing with him whilst Harry and I just sat there.

"So Harry, are you going to try to put your name in the goblet thingy?" I asked, trying to make conversation whilst Hermione and Ron argued.

"Why would I do that, that is a death wish" he said in a too-serious tone, "Well I will" I said, making him spit out pumpkin juice over Ron "Blimey Harry, what the bloody hell" he yelled as he got up from his chair, everyone in the hall laughed, including the Slyherins.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to" Harry quickly apologized, but burst out laughing, as he got hit on the head, and an angry and embarrassed Ron stormed out of the hall.

"Hermione, you could have all the boys in school around your little finger, but you choose Ron?" I said, as her head snapped at me, her eyes filled with rage. Harry, as oblivious as he is, asked what I was talking about.

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