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At home

Tae: mom we are home(shouted)

Mrs Kim: oh you came

Jk: abb mom we are going to rest we are so tired from shopping (said tiredly)

Mrs Kim: ok but first eat something

Jk: Ani mom we are at mall already

Mrs Kim: ok then take care

Both taekook left to tae's room

Jk: baby , you are forgetting something...

Tae:what koo?? (Confused)

Jk:you really forget it (pout)

Tae looked at him being confused

Jk:yaah you're forgetting about my boobies (whine)

Tae blushed hard was he whinning for this...

Jk: gimme na( pout cutely)

Tae nodded and kook squeal in happiness......kook picked tae in bridal style making tae squeal and blush at hi excitement..kook made tae sit on bed and pulled her closer and whispered in her ears

Jk:baby you will you're or should I do it (smirked)

Tae(shy): Ani ani I will do it

Tae slowly removed her top and bra kook eyes shined looking at his favourite this.. tae leid on bed and motioned kook to come closer.. kook too leid on bed beside tae and took tae's nipple in his mouth and started sucking it like a baby and played with other... Tae smiled looking at him and both drifted to their dream land...

Hours later

Tae was first to wake and looked beside her to view cutest site, kook was sucking in air finding his favourite thingie.. tae chuckled at him and went to fresh up... Here kook woke and whine not finding tae beside him and sat on bed with pout...after sometime tae come out and coo-ed loudly looking at pouty bunny

Tae: what happened bun(said while coming towards him)

Kook said nothing but hugged tae's waist buring his face in it

Tae:bunny (kook hummed) what happened??

Jk:baby how can you leave me in bed alone (whine)

Tae: aww sorry bun, I will not do it again ok now go and fresh up

Kook nodded and went to fresh up and tae sat on bed waiting for him...kook came and looked at tae who was thinking deeply

Jk: baby what are you thinking soo deeply??

Tae flinched hearing his voice....

Tae: koo you scared me(pout)

Jk: aww sorry baby, but you didn't answered me

Tae:ohh that I wanted to go on family vacation after graduation..

Jk: ohh, ok baby we will talk to everyone about it

Tae: okie (giggled)

Jk: now give me my kissi (pout)

Tae:ok come here

Kook came closer and tae held his nape and pulled him in kiss...tae teased by not opening her lips, but gasped when kook squeezed her ass..both broke the kiss, tae sighed

Jk:baby let's go everyone must be waiting

Tae nodded and both went downstairs

In hall

Jk: evening everyone

All: evening

Tae: what are you all discussing, anything serious

Mrs Jeon: nothing just thinking of marrying you both after graduation or we will hear good news now only (teased)

Tae blushed hard and hide her face in kook's chest, while kook to became shy


Jk: guy's stop it (shy) btw we also want to share something

All nodded

Jk: tae wants to go on family vacation after graduation, what you all think about it

Jim: for pre-honeymoon tae (teasing smile)

Jk: you shortly I said ' FAMILY VACATION ' (rolled his eyes)

Jim: don't call me shortly you muscle pig (angry)

Tae: stop it you both

Jk: but baby--(cut off by tae)

Tae: stop it koo or forget about your boobies (whispered to kook)

Jk:ok sorry (pout)

Tae: so where should we go for vacation

Hana:how about our Village shyampur??

Tae: waah!! That's good place, we are definitely going there (excited)

Kook was busy admiring his baby groaned in frustration when kook heard what jimin said ...

Jim: guys I was thinking to do girls party today, no boys will be allowed (suggested)

Mrs Kim: that's good my girl, so today ground floor will be ours, no boy's are allowed to come , okay

All nodded but our kook was looking at tae with pout as he can't stay without her, tae looked at him being helpless

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