So an hour later, they find themselves at his Tarzana mansion. The coast was clear. All they had to do was get inside and wreak some havoc. Shea pulled out a crowbar from her bag and grinned wickedly. "Let's do this," she whispered.

As they walk into his large home, Shea smiles darkly. With a determined look on her face, Shea begins to smash the TV with the crowbar. Glass shatters and pieces of the TV fly everywhere. The others join in, destroying his Xbox and Playstation.

"Damnnn." BB lets out a satisfied laugh as she throws a lamp against the wall. "This feels so good."

"Guys -- we can do this at a rage room or something." Kat suggested, her voice shaking slightly. "We don't need to destroy his stuff."

But there's no use arguing with Shea when she's on a mission. Shea ignores Kat and heads over to his expensive sound system. With a savage smile, she swings the crowbar with all her might. The sound system crumbles under the force, leaving the room eerily silent.

Shea heads upstairs while BB takes the basement and Maddy takes the first floor. They spread out, destroying everything in their path. It's a satisfying rush of power and anger.

But as Shea reaches the bedroom, she freezes. There, on the dresser, is a picture of their unborn baby's ultrasound. The photo she gave him after she got the abortion. She swallows hard, feeling a pang of guilt. Was this really worth it? She looks around, tears starting to form in her eyes.

But the anger comes back up again, and she turns back to the dresser. With one final swing of the crowbar, she destroys the photo frame.

Kat just stands by the front door, going around the large house and making sure nobody's coming. She feels terrible for what they're doing, but she knows there's no stopping Shea now. They've all gone too far.


Exactly two weeks later, Shea is home alone while her little brother, Henley, is asleep upstairs. She's been unable to sleep herself, her mind racing with guilt and regret. She decides to go downstairs and make herself a cup of tea when she hears a loud thud outside.

Then the door bell rings. She cautiously peeks through the window and sees a large, expensive-looking car in the driveway. Her heart sinks as she realizes who it must be.

As she opens the door, Chris stands there, looking calm and collected. "Shea," he says coolly. "I was hoping to talk to you."

He must know what she and her friends did in his house and to his chains. The anger in his eyes makes her tremble. "What do you want, Chris?" she asks, her voice shaking.

"What did you do?" Is all he says before pushing his way past her into the house. She shuts the door and follows him into the living room, feeling trapped. "What did you do?" he asks again, turning to face her. "Did you really think it was going to make me regret what I did?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "I just wanted you to know how much it hurt."

"You are so fucking stupid sometimes, you know that?" he says, his voice tight. "You think I didn't know that?"

"No. You just up and left and took her to fucking Mexico around your kids." She cries out, anger bubbling up.

"You didn't want anything to do with me. There was no point in me begging you to forgive me." He says, walking closer to her.

"So you take her to Mexico?" she asks, her voice breaking. "You think that makes it better?"

"You didn't even give me a chance to explain!" he shouts. "You just jumped to conclusions and then you and your little friends went and did this!" He gestures. "What the fuck did you think would happen? That I wouldn't find out?"

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