He's not really sure why he does all these for Joong when he never really plans on confessing because Joong liking him back seems so impossible. Maybe it's for self satisfaction. He's happy making Joong happy.

"I'll be alright, you should go ahead."

As much as he wants Joong around he doesn't want to be a burden. He dropped a message to their group message but it was left on delivered. His phone is also about to shut down. Joong noticed his distress.

"I think I should just bring you home."

"No need. If Pond won't come, I'll just wait for Phuwin. He'll be out in a minute."

"Dunk, are you scared i might kidnap you?" Joong joked and Dunk snorts at that.

"I just don't want to be an inconvenience. Please, don't worry about me and go home."

"I insist. If I leave you here, both of your friends will literally hunt and feed me to the dogs if anything bad happens to you."

Dunk wanted to say no but he let Joong take him to his car. Dunk sat obediently while Joong buckled his seatbelt.

"Trust me, okay? I'm not going to harm you."

Joong smiles at him and Dunk didn't do anything but stare at him with doe eyes. He feels like he's falling deeper for Joong if he hasn't even fallen deep enough.

"Thank you, Joong."

"Don't mention it."

It's probably because of exhaustion that Dunk is already asleep 2 minutes after they start moving.

Joong tried to wake him up but he's shut down completely. He forgot to ask his address. Joong has no idea. He wanted to ask Pond or Phuwin but he's also out of battery.

He decided he'll take Dunk to his house and let him rest and bring him to his place later after he wakes up.

Dunk was clutching around his neck when he starts carrying him inside his condo. He looks cute, he also pouts in his sleep.

Joong couldn't help but smile.

He notice that Dunk is murmuring something against his chest. Joong smiles dropped almost immediately.

"Pond?" Dunk's grip around his neck grows tighter even burying his face there. Joong stiffened, he came to make sense of what he was saying in his sleep. "If you drop me on the floor again I'll kill you."

Dunk thinks he's Pond. He's probably so used to Pond carrying him while sleeping. Joong suddenly felt that unfamiliar thing again, like a needle pinching through his chest. It's weird.

He placed Dunk on his bed and he starts making dinner for both of them. They have a helper who usually does this but he felt like going through the kitchen to get off some steam.

He should contact one of Dunk's friends but he's not in the mood. He feels grumpy, he doesn't understand why though.

His dad suddenly comes and sat on the counter.

"Had a bad day?"

"No, not really. Why?"

"You cook when you're having a temper." His father laughs while he prepare himself a tea.

Joong smiles cause his father knows him better than himself.

"Shut up old man. Have you taken your maintenence? You should worry about that."

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