The contract

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(Tis chapter will only be the contract, so if you're not interested in reading that, you can skip to the next chapter)

This contract is a deal between Jack (Master), and Olivia (submissive/sub). This contract will remain in effect for a period of one year, unless one of the points down below apply.

· There is a newer signed contract.

· In the case of repeated breaches of special points in the contract marked with ֍

This contract is valid from the day after the date of signature.

This part of the contract contains points that "Master" must do everything possible to comply with.

֍ Must ensure that the "sub" feels safe and does not get hurt unnecessarily.

· Must ensure that the "sub" is not sexual with animals or minors.

· Must ensure that the "sub" becomes trained and educated to cope with the tasks that are given to her.

· Has an obligation to hold a meeting with the "sub" at least every 14 days, where it is possible for the "sub" to talk about things that are needed.

֍ Must respect and stop everything when you hear the safe word "Pineapple".

· Must ensure that the "sub" is expanded and evaluate its limits and that the "sub" develops in a responsible manner.

֍ Adheres to all hard limits written below.

· Has a duty to help the "sub" explore/try out new things or interests she thinks might be interesting.

· Have a duty to inform why the "sub" is being punished.

֍ Have a duty to "sub" for aftercare at least after finishing the day, but as needed.

· Have a duty not to punish unnecessarily.

This part of the contract contains points that "sub" must do everything possible to comply with.

· Has a duty to study BDSM.

· Must ensure that you are clean and well-groomed (shaving the private area at least every 14 days, unless otherwise agreed).

· Must take notes about thoughts, fantasies, boundaries, hernia and more.

· Has a duty to accept all marks that "Master" makes on you within areas where they can be covered.

· Have a duty to always treat "Master" with respect.

֍ Promises never to remove the "collar" at any time unless otherwise agreed.

֍ Have a duty to be available for "Master's" wishes whenever and wherever possible within the framework of the contract.

· You must not have sexual contact with yourself or others unless "Master" has given permission.

֍ Have a duty not to misuse the agreed safe word.

֍ Have a duty to accept all punishment that "Master" gives you without complaints or objections or by fighting against it.

· Has a duty to address "Master" and others whom he has appointed with respect. Names that can be used are Master or Sir. Others may be used if permitted by the "Master".

֍ Have a duty to fulfill all orders and conduct all tasks given to you by "Master" to the best of your abilities and as far as possible.

· Promises not to complain about tasks, orders, or punishments that "Master" gives her, but to write it down and bring it up to the meetings when they are held.

· When you are with your "Master" you must ask permission for things you want and wait for answer and then accept the answer you get.

֍ Adheres to all hard limits written below.

The hard limits.


· No lies


· No bodily fluids, or feces, apart from semen or saliva.

The boarding schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें