Natasha did her best to seal her gasp when she saw her youngest daughter training with the widows. Her heart truly and utterly breaking as she watched AJ, like any mother would Natasha immediately took in the subtle changes of her daughter, she was pale in complexion, her face scraped and bruised, she had become pretty much skin and bone. Natasha wanted nothing more than to burst through them doors and pull her daughter into a hug but she couldn't that would blow her cover. She had to refrain from doing it which pained her even more.

Natasha was quickly pulled from her thoughts when Madame B noticed her well who she thought was Melina standing at the window. Madame B gave her a small nod which Natasha returned before carrying on down the hall, not before stealing another glance at Aj. As she continued to follow the guards, she started to panic as she took in the fact that AJ had been seen training with other widows but Wanda wasn't there.

Fortunately Natasha's worry for her oldest daughter was interrupted as she was pushed into a room....


"When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask can hide that" Dreykov stated as he ripped of Natasha's disguise, he was a smart man, he knew from the second she walked into the room that it was never Melina he was speaking too.

Natasha stared at him blankly as the mask fell off. Inside, she was filled with fear, and she felt like she was that young, terrified girl who'd fallen victim to his manipulation so many years ago. Dreykov still held a lot of power over her, but she couldn't let her emotions get the better of her now. She only had one task at hand which was to kill him. She trusted that Bucky and the others would get the girls so she focused on doing her job.

"Long time no see Natasha" Dreykov smirked as he leant back to sit on his desk.

Natasha inhaled a sharp breathe.

"If you're here for your girls I'm afraid it's little to late" Dreykov chuckled humorously.

Natasha laughed, "here for my girls? No no they're tough girls they don't need me to save them. I'm here to kill you"

"Then what are you waiting for Natasha? Kill me. But I do mean it when I say it's little to late, Strong girls they are yes but not quite strong enough to overcome some basic manipulation" Dreykov told her as he took a step towards Natasha, "The witch she's incredibly smart I knew she wouldn't just take my word so I had to really get creative. You see that little trick you just pulled the Photostatic Veil, I used that too. Had one of my people put on your face and had a filmed conversation with them in this very room. Wanda watched it right there" Dreykov pointed to the couch Wanda had sat on when he had showed the girl the video of her "mom", "she watched as you begged me to take away your children, as you told me you didn't want them. And that's what she thinks, that you didn't want her. And now when I bring up your name it's followed by nothing but a cold glare from the girl. She hates you"

Natasha didn't think it was possible for her heart to break anymore but she was wrong.
She could only imagine the pain and hurt that Wanda felt, Dreykov had truly done it, he had broken her babies. He had gotten into their heads just like she had feared, and he had done it in the most terrible way possible. It was unimaginable and unfathomable,but he had successfully done it.

Dreykov could see how his words were cutting into Natasha, causing her pain and torment. Even though she had shown herself to be strong and resilient, he could tell that he was getting under her skin. He wasn't fully satisfied yet, and he began to speak once more, his words aimed at tearing her apart piece by piece as he spoke
"And the little one, she cried for her mommy and Daddy every night, sobbed even, it took a while for Jonah to convince her you guys weren't coming to save her. After a while he did though, he is her father after all, he knows what's best for her"

Natasha fought back her tears, determined to not appear weak in front of Dreykov. That was exactly what he wanted, and she couldn't give in to him. However, the pain she felt for her daughters was intense, and each word he spoke was like a dagger to her heart. She was battling against her emotions, trying to stay strong and not give him the satisfaction of seeing her break. She shook off her personal feelings as her gaze met the mans. "None of that changes the fact I am here to kill you"

"You see this time I was prepared. I knew Melina would betray me to help you, she always had a soft spot for you Natasha. Kill me or don't kill me none of that will change the fact, you've lost your girls. Forever! Wanda hates you, she won't even look at you again and as for AJ well she won't remember you. In fact in just a few seconds she won't remember anything not even her self, her mind will belong to the red room she will remember what we want her to remember" he spoke coldly ignoring Natasha's threats to kill him.

Natasha scoffed, "Dammit you're weak.
That's your plan, you're going to rely on two little girls!"

"I am not weak!"


A/N: another chapter and it's the The good stuff 🤭😏 it's going to get chaotic guys so be prepared, the writing juices were flowing last night:)

Thank you for reading 🫡

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