Chapter 5 : Mother

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You were packing up your things for the day. You were really tired due to the party yesterday. Daeun didn't even come for lectures today for the same reason. You were walking outside the classroom when suddenly someone called out for you.

You turned around to see who it was. It took you a few seconds to recognize the person.

It was Haneul.
He still had a small smile on his face as he was walking towards you. "Hey! Done with classes?" He greeted you politely as you stopped walking.

"Yea, just going back home" You nodded.

"Okay, well, may I walk with you?" He asked as he gestured a small amount.

You paused for a second. "Um, Daeun isn't present today" You said awkwardly.

"Oh" He chuckled softly. "I didn't know"

"She's probably still on another planet in her dream world" You said. Daeun is probably at Euijoo's place, still sleeping.

"Huh, probably tired due to the party yesterday" He said with a soft smile.

"Yes, that's why I'm in a hurry to go home too" You said.

"Right" He mumbled. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go on"

"Are you busy right now?" He asked as he looked at you curiously.

"No but yes" You said awkwardly. "I actually have something planned after I go home"

"Can I ask what that 'something' is?"



"Yes, you're helping Daeun in her's right. I am already starting to work on that one"
You said.

"Hmm, alright" He replied and shrugged. "Well, how about I walk you outside?"
He gave a small smile.

You weren't sure about yourself but his smile was too polite to reject. "Ah...okay" You nodded.

"Let's go then" He said as he gestured to you to follow him as he started walking. You walked around the corner to leave the university. The breeze was blowing, it was really chilly this evening.

You were walking silently when he spoke up. "Well, you're really close with Daeun, I suppose it's the same with Senior Euijoo"

"Nah, that connection isn't logical. We're not that close"
You shook your head.

"Ah, you aren't close?" He asked with a puzzled look.

You sighed. "What made you think that we're close?"

"Well, the dance in party.."
He shrugged a bit. He seemed awfully curious about yours and Euijoo's relationship.

"Well, that was merely because I think he felt comfortable with me?"
You shrugged too.

"Hmm, so, does that mean.. you're not interested in him?" He asked as his expression grew slightly nervous.

You paused for a second. This conversation was getting weird with every passing second. "I'm not"

He seemed very relieved to hear that answer. He sighed as his shoulders had dropped a bit. "Oh, good. For a second I thought you two were actually dating..."

You looked at him shocked. "What on earth makes you think that we both can date?"

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"I've seen some rumours going around and even my classmates were gossiping about you two"

You snorted.

"That means rumours are just rumours? You guys are not a thing?"
His smile grew again as he thought for a second.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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