Siblings, Dad, and Return

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After Shanks left, Garp came to visit. Garp found Luffia playing with Uta at the beach, Luffy was training the usage of her DF's and doing extremely well, while playing with Uta. Garp at first thought he needed to keep her away from water until he saw her swim perfectly fine as well as control it. 'well,' he thought, 'at least it makes her cute.' Garp was not happy about Luffia talking about becoming a pirate. But he had a question.

"Oi Luffy, who's this?" Garp asked. "She's Uta, Shanks daughter." Luffia stated. Uta was nervous at this point, She was revealed as a pirates daughter to a marine vice-admiral. Garp's eyes widened a little, "well then, I'll need to keep quiet about this." He stated. Uta was shocked. "Why are you not going to say or do anything?" She asked. "Lets just say I'm one of the good marines, alright." Garp said. Uta nods. "Well lets head out" Garp stated.




Luffia and Uta found themselves at a shack in the forest. Garp was apparently leaving them with the "Dadan family" mountain bandits. But there was another person they would live with, Ace. He seemed distant, judgmental, and stand-offish, like he didn't want to get attached to anyone. Why was that? They wished they knew.

But they had more important things to do. they looked around the forest for a bit, and found a pair of cliffs that hide a lagoon with a lot of land surrounding it. It was the perfect spot to train themselves.

Luffy and Uta both started training there from after breakfast to before dinner, and brought back something for dinner every night. Ace was always dumbfounded by them for the first week, then he came to expect that they would disappear and reappear when they wanted. Though he still kept to himself.




"Here's the bento's you two asked for." Stated Dogma. "Thanks Dogma." Uta stated while smiling. "We'll be back before sundown, we'll even bring back something for dinner too." Said Luffia smiling as she and Uta left. They smiled as no one knows where their training spot is.

Luffy trains her DF powers and Haki with Uta, while Uta also trains her DF powers, her singing and Haki with Luffia. Luffia is making breakthroughs with her powers, combining them and more. Uta is also making advancements, not as fast as Luffy but still fast. Both their Haki learning is wicked, already near mastering the base Haki with lightly touching advanced Haki. Even so, they aren't stopping or slowing down. (Luffia has gear 2nd and 3rd, learning 4th for gum gum fruit, and has learned all the normal moves, and figured out how to use the gem (aqua sea gem) for the poke poke fruit.)

Before the duo could search for dinner they saw Ace moving Frantically. they were curious why, so they followed him.




Ace's P.O.V.

I was running like a madman, as he got closer he ran faster. Until he got into a small clearing where he and Sabo stashed their treasure that they had stole. He was glad to see Sabo there. "Sabo! We've got a problem! We've got to move our stash and lay low for a while! Bluejam is going to be pissed!" I exclaimed while moving to the tree with the stash to make good of his words. Sabo blinked, saying "woah, slow down. what did you do to piss off Bluejam? I thought we agreed to avoid angering him."

I scowled as I stuffed his pockets with as much treasure as I could. "I just found out that the last guy I stole from was a part of his crew. He'll be sure to tell Bluejam, and that's definitely not good for us!" I replied. Sabo sighed, before following suit and loading up on treasure. "You know that it'll take us many trips if we want to get everything right?" He asked. I nodded without saying a word.

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