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The rest of the party was much like this, I would get deep into a conversation and then get pulled into another. In this encounter I learned that this city had many problems that have been hidden from the public view.

But in the end I still thought that the whole idea that Delphie and Drew had was amazing. So I did what I attended.

The next day I got ready for the day by wearing a dress. Sure on earth it was not as common to have such fancy dress, but I wanted to feel the part.

I open the napkin that Delphie wrote her address on and I follow it to the end of a road where a small house hid in the corner. I looked around, the neighborhood looked busy, many people littered the streets and were looking at me as I smiled when I made eye contact.

I put my hand up to the door as I knock lightly waiting as I hear some commotion inside before Drew answers the door with a smile.

"QUEEN SARA!" She happily hugged me as I was shocked at first but then laughed hugging her as her mom came running around the corner.

"I'm so sorry." She says taking Drew off of me and gestures to me that I can walk in.

"It's fine, Loki had a point in time when they hugged, like a lot." I say as I stop realizing that I was remembering good memories with Loki.

"Hey are you ok?" Delphi asks, looking at me as I look back and clear my thoughts, nodding.

"Yes yes, now let's talk, do you have a place to sit?" I ask as she nods and I follow her to her kitchen.

"This is a very nice house." I say as she runs around putting things in drawers and cleaning up.

"I'm sorry it is not as clean as it should be." She says as I sit down and shake my head.

"It's fine, and sit down. I have only a few minutes today. See I'm having lunch with some old friends." I say as she nods and sits down.

"Now, I checked with my father and he thought it was a risky idea raising small kids that knew how to fight but I ignored him." I told her pulling out some parchment and a quill.

"Well that is bold, did you ask him about the fighting arenas as a place to practice?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Nope, but I checked for myself and they seem great! We just need members." I said showing her the paper that I wrote on

New fighting classes ages 10-18 sign up here.

Meet Queen Serenity at the old fighting ground at 10'o'clock tomorrow

"It's great and then they can just write their name and go there." She says as I nod and give her the parchment.

"Could you set these up around the town?" I ask as she nods and I smile standing up.

"Thanks for your time Sara." She boldly says my name as I flash her a kind smile.

"Any time." I say leaving thinking about how fun tomorrow would be for me.

I showed up an hour early to see what the arena looked like, it was pretty beaten up from the last time I was in there.

But the last time I was in there was the last time we used it, till you know the whole banishment of Hela and stuff.

I brushed off the racks and put newer weapons on them, I had bow and arrows, daggers, swords, spears, and many other small weapons they could use.

About 40 minutes in, Drew and Delphie walk in while I am setting up the distance of the targets for the bow and arrows.

"Wow, this is very nice." Delphi says, looking around as I brush off my hands and nod.

"Ya, do you think these targets are too far away?" I ask as she stands next to me and shrugs.

The lost sister ( Serenity Odinson )Where stories live. Discover now