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i wanna start off by saying how extremely thankful i am for all the reads and votes and comments like you guys are actually insane i never thought that sm ppl would like my dumb stupid idea like at the time of me writing this shine is 32 reads away from 4k, it has 269 votes (hehe 69) and 497 comments which is absolutely insane and I'm so thankful and i literally love all of you guys i wanna give you all forehead kisses fr you guys deserve the world

so good news and bad news, which do you guys want first

bad news (ha you thought): I'm putting shine on a hiatus

good news: I'll stop trauma dumping in the a/n every chapter

i'm putting it on hiatus for my own mental health. i am not ok and i haven't been for a while and in hindsight i started this book with the intention to update once or twice a week but i just haven't stayed faithful to that and with all the stuff going on in my life rn i think that my mental health (my sanity) is detoiterating not to mention i've started using this book as a way to (like my bio says) quite literally avoid my real life problems like i'm literally writing this instead of studying for my exam on tuesday and idk if yall know this but avoiding your problems will catch up to you at some point and i want to put my foot down before that happens

I'm lowkey (not at all lowkey) about to trauma dump but i've never actually admitted that I'm depressed and that i need therapy i still won't tbh a part of me is sitting deep in denial and the other part knows the only reason i wont admit it is because i'm scared to admit that something is wrong with me

i really don't wanna stop writing i really like this book and i had SO MUCH planned for this like a lot like yaz thought it was too much but if  i keep going the way i am i will eventually burn out and i don't want that you don't want that (I'm assuming)

i hate that I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger kind of but I'm really just so tired

anyways that not the point the point is that i'm gonna stop updating and put on pause on writing for a little bit so i can focus on getting better

and honestly idk when it'll come back and i'm sorry that i can't guarantee when it'll be back or if it'll ever be back

also last song rec for a while: taking what's not yours by tv girl

also I'm predicting that ateez will have a comeback in a few months

where i'm from we kneel to apologize to ppl we respect or ppl who are older so please take this as me kneeling to apologize and thank you all

thank you to every single one of you, everyone who comments and votes, everyone who adds shine to their reading list, everyone who passively reads without voting or commenting, everyone who added it to their library to read when it's completed thank you especially to yh141066 I've said it before this book quite literally would not exist with her encouraging me to write it, she reads every chapter as soon as she can, she votes on everyone, she comments a lot. i love her sm and i want to get better so i don't worry her sm anymore

i love you yaz really ❤️‍🩹

i am immensely sorry and i promise that if/when i come back to finish shine, i will be a better writer for you and maybe I'll stop trauma dumping...maybe

goodbye for now <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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