Kitchen Date ❤️

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It was a warm and plesent evening in Pop Village, the sky turning into shades of orange and yellow with the clouds the colors of pink and blue. The sound of chorus flies, blackbirds, and even glowflies singing their songs within the treetops. The touch and smell of the gentle cool breeze flowing against the brightly colored fruit trees. What a wonderful afternoon for a date.....or, so he thought.

Floyd, the sensitive member of the boyband, BroZone accidentally forgot the picnic date was scheduled next week and today was just another normal, ordinary day; and he forgot to tell his boyfriend about the change of plans. He stood outside against the glittered rainbow pod outside, waiting for his boyfriend, Boom, to answer the door. 

That's when the pod's door opened, to reveal a familiar face. He had golden glittered skin, lime-green colored eyes, and glittered rainbow hair, this was Boom, with his mouth stuffed with....chocolate? Floyd just chuckled and smiled, he was used to seeing Boom stuff his face with his favorite sweets but he didn't expect....this.

"Whatcha doing there?" Floyd asked in a flirty manner as he leaned close to Boom, his soft felted cornflower blue nose nuzzling softly against his boyfriend's lime-green colored nose. They were both close enough to a point where Floyd can see Boom's rose colored blush appearing on his glittered cheeks.

Boom only smiled in response, only dragging Floyd by the arm inside the pod. There, Floyd saw the kitchen window wide open. Alongside, there was an wooden chesnut colored aisel with an unfinished painting. Floyd looked close at the unfinished painting and saw it was the view of Pop Village during the evening atmosphere. There were markets, buildings, pods, and nearby trees glistening as the shadows were coming over them. However, there were also messy paint strokes of multiple shades of green, blue, orange, brown, all over some areas of the blank white canvas.

"It's not finished....yet. Its a work in progress." Boom said solemly, twisiting his gliterry fingers, which were covered in sploches of royal purple paint as he was glancing his eyes down on his feet, feeling a little bit embarssed that he has nothing fresh to show to his boyfriend.

"I love it either way." Floyd smiled before he turned around and gave Boom a small peck on his cheek, close to his lips, there way of cheering each other up.

"I wanted to tell you that-

"The date is next week, not today?" Boom chuckled before rolling his eyes playfully along with his signature smirky smile, which made Floyd blush and VERY lovestruck. Again.

"Y-yeah, that. How'd you know?" Floyd asked sincerly, still feeling lovestruck.

 "Well, if I were to forget...then I'd ask Branch, cause he knows more about our dates than any of your brothers, besides....he lives like 5 minites away from here." Boom replied, washing his hands from the excess paint in the sliver, metallic kitchen sink.

"Say, do you want to bake some cookies with me? You can eat the chocolate. Pwees? My little chocolate chip muffin?" 🥺🥺🥺 👉👈 Boom asked, forcing himself to do a high-pitched voice while twisting his fingers, just wanting to spend some time with his chocolate chip muffin....just a little. Floyd just chuckled and smile in response, meaning yes

"Buckle up rainbow....Let the baking begin." Floyd said in a emo, gothic tone before putting on one of Boom's thousand aprons. Floyd was wearing a black apron with a stitched skull and heart motif while Boom was wearing a light pink apron with perrywinkle white colored clouds along with rainbow stitched lettering: Eat. Sleep. Be Gay. Repeat.





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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 24 ⏰

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