16: Bonnie

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My head rested against the window as we drove home

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

My head rested against the window as we drove home. John was passed out in the back, and Freya and Finn were both curled up asleep. I couldn't sleep, I was getting married to a man I barely knew and did not love. Tommy and Emelio had made a deal that I would stay at Watery Lane for the next five months until my wedding day. An August wedding it would be, Tommy promised he would do something... Anything to stop it.
We drove in silence, I had nothing to say. The sun was starting to rise behind us, my hair was still a mess, my whole life was a mess.
Tommy looked over at me, taking his eyes off the road, "I shouldn't have left you. " he muttered, looking back at the road.
Emotions once again overwhelmed me, this time more anger than any other emotion enraged my body. I felt like a bomb, ticking. One more wrong word would cause me to detonate. So I stayed silent.

"I used to know a girl like you..." he smiled as a chuckle escaped her lips, "Her name was Greta." Once again he looked over to me taking his eyes off the road, "She was a lot like you, ambitious and beautiful."

My ears perked up at the word beautiful "And was she forced into a marriage?" I snapped, rolling my eyes and resting my head on the car window.

"You could've said no." He muttered.

Anger burned in my blood. "You could've said no?" my voice raised into a quiet shout, to not wake anyone up, "Are you completely oblivious to anyone but yourself, if I said no I would've been beaten to death!" My voice trembled from anger, "And you haven't even apologized-!"

"Apologize for what?" his voice was cold and careless.

"For treating me like shit-!" My voice cracked as once again was in tears, "Pull the car over."

Tommy sighed, "I can't we're in the middle of nowhere."

"Pull the car over!" I cried, still keeping my voice quiet to not wake Freya, Finn, or John up. It took a few minutes till the car reached a layby in the arse end of nowhere. Opening the car door winter air hit me like a bullet, but It was the last thing on my mind.

My breaths got more shallow, my hands began to fidget. The pearls around my neck felt as if they were choking me, so I took my hands up to the cheap necklace and attempted to rip them off my neck. As I tried to rip them off, they didn't seem to budge, only causing more frustration and anger. Tommy got out of the car and rushed over to me, "Bonnie stop-" he yelled, grabbing my hands away from my neck and placing them into his own, "You will hurt yourself!"

"Like you care about me-!" I screamed back, "You weren't even willing to put up a fight for me with Emelio!"

"I know you're upset-" he hushed, squeezing my hands and bringing them down to his side, pulling me closer to him as he did so.

Trying to move away his grip was too strong, "I despise you." I hissed.

Tommy chuckled, letting go of both of my hands, "Careful what you say...you may get soaked again."

Rolling my eyes I looked around, "I hate to break it to you but there are no buckets of water...luckily."

"I'm sure I can find another way to make you wet."

"Fuck off Thomas, you're getting nowhere near me-!" I shoved him back towards the car, "I'm a married woman-"

Once again he took my hands, lifting them towards the moonlight, "I see no ring, Miss Darcey."

This time I didn't resist him taking my hands into his own, yanking my arms he pulled me into him and the car he was pressed up against. He was pressed into the car, I was pressed into him. I could feel his body under my silk dress, Tommy moved his hands up to my neck, brushing his thumb along my necklace. "I stopped you trying to rip this off." He chuckled, bringing his hands to the back of my neck and unclipping my necklace. While doing this his hands brushed against my skin, causing fireworks to explode inside me. Pulling the pearl necklace from me he pushed it into his trouser pocket, "You can have that later."

"Better give that back it cost me a whole shilling."

His hands found their way to my waist pulling me into him more with no chance of escaping, "So it's real then?" He smiled, drawing patterns in my lower back with his thumb while not taking his gaze off me.

"As real as that razor blade in your hat." I laughed, bringing my arm up to his flat cap and running my forefinger across the sharp blade sewn into the brim of his cap.

"That is a real razor sweetheart." He chuckled, moving his face toward mine.

"What do you do...cut carrots with it?" I laughed, bringing my hands back down and resting them on his chest.

Tommy chuckled shaking his head in disagreement, "More like very bad men."

"Would you chop Emelio up for me...?" I jokingly smiled.

Tommy fell silent, ignoring my question, looking directly into my eyes with a smirk on his face. "You look like one of the girls in the movies.." he whispered, moving his face toward me.

I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks, and and sand and sense his presence even when my eyes were shut. Which they were, for I feared if I opened them Tommy would be gone and in his place would be Emilio. But as I forcefully opened my eyes Tommy was still there, closer than ever before. "You won't disappear?" I whispered.

"No." his face was so close to mine that his lips were brushing against my chin, it felt like heaven. I couldn't take it anymore, I kissed him passionately, bringing my hands to the back of his head so I knew he wouldn't go. The taste of whiskey and tobacco filled my mouth, fireworks filled my stomach and a fire lit in my heart. Our lips moved in rhythm till I moved away, opening my eyes to see he was still there, with red lipstick smudged across his face. I giggle, rubbing his lips with my hands to remove the lipstick smudge.

But my heart dropped, looking over Tommy's shoulder, I saw Freya looking out of the window in shock. Quickly I removed myself from Tommy and hurried around the car, opening the door and sitting down. Freya stayed silent, her eyes widened from shock.

Tommy not soon after followed me into the car, "What the matter sweetheart?" he asked me, not noticing Freya yet.

"Hi, Freya..." I muttered awkwardly, looking back at her.

She was frozen from shock until she shrieked with joy and yelled, "OH MY GOD!"

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