chapter fourteen

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ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 22ɴᴅ 1976

THE DAY HAD finally came and Lyra was a complete wreck, she had no idea what to wear, how to act or even what to say

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THE DAY HAD finally came and Lyra was a complete wreck, she had no idea what to wear, how to act or even what to say. She had met her father two days prior and it went well but these were people her age. Not ones you could simply charm with a 'how was your day?'.

"Oh my fucking god! I fucking hate life, with its unpredictability and its fucking midlife crisis', I'm going insane!" Lyra ranted to herself, granted her mother could hear her from the floor bellow.

After a couple minutes, the girl was able to calm herself down enough to actually find a suitable outfit. Following the fact that she had an outfit the Rhodes girl had put it on and was now pacing back and forward.

I have brothers, I have cousins. And they are going to hate me! The girl thought to herself, brain running wild.

Soon enough her mother had came upstairs to tell her it was time to leave. Orion had given Ida a portkey so they could get to the mansion.

Both the mother and daughter had grabbed ahold the portkey in the form of a spatula. The world spun as they let go and expertly landed on the ground. "I hate those things."

"Same, they always mess up my clothes!" The daughter complained to her mother.

Ida grabbed her daughter and spoke, "Are you sure you're ready for this? I am not welcome to come in as Orions wife had forbid it but I will stay out here and wait for you, if you need."

"Thanks mum, but I'll be fine." Lyra reassured her mother, the girl glanced to the door and saw her father sanding outside waiting.

"Bye mum." The blonde haired girl bid goodbye as she walked towards Orion. As she reached him, Lyra grabbed his held out hand.

Her grip was tight as the nerves had started to get to her. "I presumed you prefer it if you let your brothers first and then your cousins later."

This filled the singer with great relief, sure she wanted to meet them, but all at once would be a massive overwhelming experience.

Lyra heart beat fast as she took steps inside the house, there was a ringing in her ears she tried to quiet. Lyra closed her eyes and hid behind her father as the stepped into the room containing her brothers.

"Boys, I would like to introduce you to, your sister." Orion stepped out of the way, allowing Sirius and Regulus full view of the girl. Although Lyra still had her eyes tightly shut.

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