ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1

Start from the beginning

-W-what!? Why!?-I shouted.- I mean... yes! I'd love to work to you...

-Well, if my son likes you, i like you too, you're hired, start tomorrow.- The man smile.

-Good... thank you Mr. Juniors.

-Nolan, you can go now.-Mr. Juniors tell to the boy.

Mr Juniors give me the address. I have to be there after school.

I stood up and made my way to home, i was terrified, i was in panic... the boy that the boy I cursed is son of my boss!!!

-LUNA!!! So tell me! You got hired????-Liam shows up as soon as i step home.

-Well... yes but...

-UHULLLLL I knew you would make it!

-Thank you Liam.-I hug him.

When i reached my bed i threw myself in it.

I'm so dumb...


The next day i made my way to school with my brother, i was going to the last grade, and my brother to the penultimate.

-Good class!!!-Liam wave to me before enter his classroom.

I smile to him.

I entered my class. I sat at the back of the classroom.

A short girl and a boy sat next to me, they are laghing a lot and having fun, they perceive that i'm looking at them.

-Excuse me, are you the newbie?-The girl asks me smiling.- I'm aisha and this is Jaden.

-Yes, i am! Pleasure.

-Whare did you come?-Jaden asks me.

-I came from Tampa...- I respond a little shy.

-Is must be very different from here (Orlando)- Aisha says.

The class start and we talked very much.

In the Lunch

Whan i was eatinv some cookies that my mom had prepares to me a group of 3 girls came and overtrew my cookies.

-BITCHES!- I stood up and glared at them.

-You're the newbie isn't it? LOSER.-They lagh.-I'm Karen.

-Who asked?-I rolled my eyes.-I think you would stay quiet and shut up.

-You don't know who you are messing with!-Karen glared at me full of hate.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the classroom again.

-I saw you with Karen, you were very brave Luna!- Aisha reach me and smile.

-Nobody never faced Karen that way!!!-Jaden said surprised and cheered up.

-Thank you guys.-I lagh.-That bitch is very full of herself.


Shortly after i got home i ran to my work and i remembered about Nolan...

-Fuck!!!!-I shouted.

-Are you ok Luna?-My mom asks.

-Yup! I'm going to work, bye bye!

When i reached there i I rang the bell.

A orange wavy hair woman opened the door.-Hi! You must be tbe babysitter of my daughter huh?

That woman look like Nolan, the hair, even the freckles.

-Yes! I am!-I entered and i realized the size of the house, it was huge!!! And very beautiful...it was gorgeous.

-I'm Gina, i hope you like to work here.-The woman smile again.

A little kid that looked like be 4 years old came running to me.

-Hi!-The little girl waved.

I waved back.

-I'll go out with Nolan and my husband now, take care of Clarice.-Gina says and go outside.

Nolan shows up and wave to me smirking.

-See you later bitch.-He gives me a wink.

I really hate that guy! The same he has of beauty he has of annoying.

-Do you wanna play Clarice?-I turn to the girl.-C-clarice? Where are you?

The girl had disappeared!

-CLARICE!- I shouted.

I look for her getting ofegant, how will i find her in this huge house???

So when i look through the window i saw her about to eat a rock.

I run to reach her the most quick possible.

-oh shit Clarice! Don't do this! You scared me!!!-I say desperate, i was really scared.

-Shit.- Clarice repeat laghing.

-Hey! Bad girl! Don't repeat these dirty words!

-Shit, shit, shit!!!-She laghs more.

-I'm a bad apple.-I grumble.

4 hours after Mr. Juniors and his familly got home and Clarice made her way to them very happy.

-Hi Clarice!-He say happy.

-Shit!!!!-Clarice says that word.

-What a bad word Clarice! Who teached you that?-Gina asks.

Clarice points to me and lagh.

-I-i can explain... i just...

-You can go home Luna, see you tomorrow.-Mr. Juniors says a little angry.

-Don't teach these filthy words that you learn in your poor family!- Gina says.

-I'm sorry Mrs. Juniors.-I blush.

-Shit, shit, shit!!!-Clarice keep repeating and laghing.

Nolan lagh of me.

-I think you have be more polite.-Nolan says in a mocking tone.

I go home a little set up, but i was very tired 'cause Clarice is a very hyperactive kid.

Comming day i'm gonna visit my dad, my friends and my boyfriend... i miss them...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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