As Bilo sifted through the options, his fingers grazing over the plush textures, memories ofpast adventures flickered through his mind. "I'll take the sable, mate," he declared with confidence, casting a meaningful glance at Sylvester. "To honor Fert."

The boss goblin extended his hand once more, a businesslike demeanor returning. "Sable be forty, bye," he stated firmly. Sylvester murmured to Bilo that it roughly amounted to 20 gold coins from Albion, prompting Bilo to complete the transaction. The boss goblin swiftly stowed the coins behind the counter before turning back to them and declaring, "Three'errs, an' she be done."

The two whiled away the hours in the cozy confines of the tailor's shop, passing the time with conversation and a meager meal they had stowed in their packs. As the minutes stretched into hours, they watched eagerly as the goblin tailors worked their craft, turning swatches of fabric and fur into finely tailored garments.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Bilo's coat was completed. As he slipped into the warm embrace of the tailored garment, he could immediately feel its insulating quality enveloping him. With a satisfied grin, he turned to Sylvester and declared, "Yep, reminds me of 'ow Fert was."

Sylvester, however, couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at Bilo's mention of his former familiar. "Bilo," he began, his tone tinged with exasperation, "I've been meaning to mention this, but you can conjure a new familiar. I honestly don't know how you got Fert without knowing this."

Bilo's eyes widened in surprise, his expression a mixture of confusion and realization. "Well, mate," he replied sheepishly, "I did used to hit the drink hard back in the Norf." Sylvester shook his head in disbelief, struggling to comprehend how Bilo could have summoned a magical companion in a drunken stupor and then promptly forgotten about it.

As they stepped out of the tailor's shop, Sylvester gently reminded Bilo of his ability to summon another animal companion. Intrigued by the idea, Bilo decided to give it a try. Closing his eyes and concentrating deeply, he extended his arm outward, willing a new creature to appear.

Suddenly, from the sky above, a majestic horned owl swooped down and landed gracefully on Bilo's outstretched arm. With a wide grin, Bilo scratched the owl's neck affectionately, feeling the bond between them strengthen with each touch. "I'll call you Ool!" he exclaimed joyfully, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he proudly displayed his new feathered companion. With Ool perched on his arm, Bilo began to make his way towards the town hall, Sylvester following closely behind.

As promised, Sylvester and Bilo spotted a weathered sign affixed to a building adjacent to the town hall, proudly proclaiming its identity as the Adventurers Guild. Eagerly, they pushed open the door and stepped inside, greeted by the sight of a weary human bureaucrat surrounded by stacks of parchment and scrolls.

Bilo, with Ool perched on his shoulder, wasted no time in stating their purpose. "We want an Island mate!" he declared boldly, his voice echoing through the quiet hall. However, the man behind the desk seemed unfazed, his tired eyes fixed on the paperwork before him. Without looking up, he reached for a dusty box filled with folders and documents, sliding it across the desk towards them. "Take a look," he muttered, his voice carrying an air of resignation.

Sylvester wasted no time in delving into the contents of the files, his fingers skimming through the alphabetically organized envelopes until he reached the section marked with the letter "M" for Maine. Among the options presented, three envelopes caught his attention: "Island, 700acre," "Island, Ironbound," and "Logging camp, Bangor."

Bilo, peering over Sylvester's shoulder, pointed decisively at the envelope labeled "Ironbound," his curiosity piqued. With a nod of agreement, Sylvester carefully opened the envelope, eager to uncover the details within.

The Albionic Chronicles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now