The Sky Is Falling

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     One sunny day in WebbVille, Clara Bear was, for once in her life, enjoying herself. She was watching trains pass by, one of her favorite things to do. It brought a kind of peace that she could never get anywhere else. This was her safe space, away from all the chaos. However, she was about to be yanked  out of her comfort zone.
     Clara was average height for a 15 year old bear. Her fur was a muted brown color, with a crème snout resting on her face. She had two large, forever panicked eyes, which were surrounded by two Charlie Brown-esque anxiety lines. She wore an oversized blue hoodie, of which the pocket on the front held her emotional support.Felix the cat doll. It was old and worn, but it still gave her comfort when nothing else did.
     She heard a noise coming from behind a hill, quickly approaching her. A group of birds were running, seeming quite panicked. "What's going on" she asked them, panicked by the sudden commotion. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling," the birds all called out in unison. "We're going to go tell the mayor!" Clara was even more panicked than before. "I'll go help!" Clara announced, happy she could even muster those three words.
The group then all began running off towards city hall, until they were stopped by a somewhat deep, very southern voice. "Hello there, folks. Where might you be heading off to," said Capitalist Pig, the voice's owner. He was a very round man, with a big blue tuxedo, red tie, and an also large piece of bacon he was always chewing on. "The sky is falling! We're going to tell the mayor," one of the birds said. "Well, you're going the wrong way," the pig said, fiddling with his tie. Before anybody could get another word out, an acorn fell from a nearby tree, smacking Clara on the head. PLONK!
    The next thing Clara knew, she was curled up into a ball on the floor, trembling. Her hoodie was covering her head with the strings pulled as far as they'd go. As she got up, she noticed the birds were all gone. The nearby Doug's Doghouse, which was as busy as could be a few seconds before, was closed, with cop cars encasing it.
     She had fainted after that acorn hit her, as she always did in that kind of situation. After she realized this, she began looking around, before noticing her dad rushing over to hug her. While she didn't enjoy any kind of touch a majority of the time, she was fine with this. This meant that whatever just happened was over.
     While she was out, the birds were all guided into Doug's Doghouse, never to be seen again. Their families had all gathered around the building, all crying, screaming, banging on the doors, begging to see them at least one last time. Clara was lucky she had fainted. This was the only time her fear had done her any favors, and she didn't want it to happen again. She didn't want to faint again, nor did she want what happened at Doug's to happen again. She was already suspicious of the place, but not as much as she was now.

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