Chapter Twenty Six: Forever, Mischief

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A few months later...

Your fingers toyed at the pendent that hung from your neck as you looked in the mirror. You were anxious, because you had no way of knowing whether or not you were underdressed or over dressed.

Your dress was a simple white, a straight cut against your neck and the hem stopping just about your knee. Thin spaghetti strap held the skin tight material to your body.

It was your one-year anniversary after all. This was appropriate for what Leo had called a 'make-shift fancy dinner'...right?

Your eyes scan your room nervously. You'd permanently moved in with the boys, and upon this decision, Leo had completely rearranged his room so it more fit two people. The gesture was something you'd never forget.

Knock knock

Well, it was too late to change now, because Leo was now at the door.

"Come in."

Leo was grinning when he entered, and had spread out his arms to show off the clothes that were on his body. "What do you think, Mischeif?" He asks excitedly, his eyes never leaving your own.

The slider turtle was smiling profusely, excited to show you the black and white suit he wore.

"Leo!" You smile, walking forwards and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. "You look really good. The suit is very sexy." You tease, taking your fingers to his tie and toying with it.

"Well I thought you shouldn't be the only one who had to get all dolled up, doll." He flirts back, looking down at the your dress while you were still close to his body. "But you've definitely out done me."

Your cheeks heat up as you smile, gently kissing your boyfriend.

"Shall we, m'lady?"

You nod, giggling at his mannerism. "We shall, my good sir."

You follow Leo out of your room and towards the dining room of the lair. By the time you'd neared the table, it smelled like flowers and food, and you could see the beautiful set up.

The dining room table had been replaced with a smaller one, two chairs across from each other with it. There was a small arrangement of flowers at the center, accompanied by a candle. There were two plates of food with glasses of cider beside them.

"Leo...this is..."

"I'm sorry I can't take you to a real restaurant, but I convinced the guys to get out of the lair for the night, April said you liked Italian and Mikey's a great cook so..."

"This looks so amazing, Lee. I-I don't know what to say except thank you." You answer breathlessly, allowing Leo to lead you to your seat while he pulls it out, before sitting down himself.

"You deserve it."

"Too one year." You smile, holding up your glass of cider.

"Too one year." Leo echoes your statement with a bigger grin, a small tink filling air as he bumped his glass against yours.

You couldn't believe you'd made it. One year. Together. A year ago, if someone would have asked you where you saw yourself, employed and in a happy relationship would not have been your answer. But you couldn't have been more grateful.

Life had taken you on a journey. And by journey, you meant a roller coaster with so many ups and downs it had to be illegal.

But now that you know where your path was leading, you could confidently say you would do it over again. All the uncertainty. The pain. The learning. The experience. Every single bit of it.

In a heartbeat.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Leo asks, his tone showing all seriousness.

You swallow your food and rest an elbow on the table. "What is it, baby?"

Leo gulps, reaching into his pocket and revealing a gold chain, thin and sparkling. A small L pendent hung from it. He also held a simple ring band, matching the gold of the bracelet. "I'm not trying to move too fast, but I figured I could ask you if..." Leo sighs. "we can't get married, I know that."

You squint, staring at Leo with wondering and hopeful eyes.

"But I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I guess I'm asking if you want that to?"

Leo seemed doubtful, you could tell.

"Baby, no matter what we fight about or what happens, I'll always be here. So telling you that I would want nothing more than to make that kind of promise? Absolutely." You speak with confidence, knowing exactly what you wanted.


"Of course. You're the love of my life, and I would never trade anything for what we have."

Leo's eyes glisten in the dim candle light as he reaches for your hand. You give it to him, allowing him to place the ring on your finger and hook the bracelet around your wrist. "I love you so much." The turtle chuckles, his eyes and face expressing exactly what he said.

You look down at the jewelry you sported, admiring its beauty. Not only its physical beauty, but the meaning it held. The promise that came with it.

"Forever, Leo." You whisper.

Leo smiles, wrapping his hand around your own. "Forever."

A moment of silence falls over the two of you, before Leonardo being the turtle he was, broke it. "The first time I saw you, you know what my first thought was?"

"What's that?"

Leo smiles, and you knew he was going to fuck with you in some way. You tilt your head, narrow your gaze and push your eyebrows together.

"This girl has got to be the clumsiet-"

Your boyfriend has no time to finish his sentence before your reaching over the table and smacking him the arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm joking! Can't I have a little fun?"

"I'll kick your ass, you little terrapin shit head." You growl, unable to remove the smile from your face.

Leo laughs loudly, obviously pleased with his work. "There's that fiery spirit! I did notice that when I first met you."

"So did the drunk asshole that was trying to get in my pants!" You say with sarcastic cheeriness, placing both your elbows on the table and putting your chin on your hands.

"Aren't you cute?"

"Aren't you?" You counter.

Leo smirks, leaning back in his chair. "Do you want to know my actual first thought about you?"

You nod.

"I thought you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He admits.

You were about to laugh or tease him, but something in the way he spoke, stopped you. You could tell he meant it.

"You did?"

"Mhm! And getting to know you only made you ten times more breath taking."

You smile genuinely. "Thank you, Leo. That's really sweet."

Leo shrugs. "I know." He replies smugly, smirking mischievously.

"Smooth." You chuckle, staring at Leo with loving eyes and a playful grin.

This moment was one you knew you'd never forget. The world was a scary place, but being with Leo made it all seem a little less scary. He made you feel safe and loved, and you couldn't remember a time you felt pure happiness. Utter happiness and nothing else.

Except for now.

And that was the most meaningful thing you'd ever known.

"Now and forever, Leonardo. You and me, against the world."

"You and me, Mischief." He smiles. "You and me."

Word Count: 1258
Important authors note! Swipe up babes!

Mischief (Rottmnt Leo x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें