I decided to keep it natural, so I put on some mascara and lip gloss. I sprayed some La Belle perfume and went downstairs. It is noon, so everyone is doing their own thing. "Ready?" Coco asks, and I hum in agreement.

I go to Mom and kiss her on the cheek, as well as Dad, who was about to throw a tantrum when I was going to leave without giving him one. I greet them good-bye as we go to the garage and pick up a black BMW, my favorite.

 I greet them good-bye as we go to the garage and pick up a black BMW, my favorite

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I get in with them and Coco starts driving. Jack and Jas are in the backseat and I am in the passenger seat.

After almost 30 minutes, we arrive at an arcade. We get out and Coco locks the car and holds my hand, I whine. They will never listen to me.

*At the house*


I called Alek to come here as Tino, and I need to talk. About Val.

He is here now, in the living room with the rest of the family. I can see him being tense and nervous between Dad and Uncle Rocco.

"So, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Well, Mr. Russo. I like her, and-" He was cut off by grandma, mom, and our aunties squealing. "OMG, when are you going to take her on a date? "

"Well, I was going to ask for your permission first. " He says this, looking at Dad.

Dad's eyes scan the living room, quickly picking up the messages from us and our uncles and grandpa.

Dad sighs, "Fine. But if she ever sheds a tear or I notice a hair missing from her head,. You better start digging your grave. "

Alek smiles and says, "Yes, sir, of course. I would risk my life for her."

Dad smiles slightly as Alek talks with the ladies about the date.

"Alek, a word." I say, pulling myself from the wall i was leaning on and go to the kitchen with Tino.

Alek arrives shortly after us. "Listen clearly if she ever comes to me saying you raised a finger or even made her shed a tear. It's over. Your life and our friendship. Understand? "

"Yes, sir." He says, saluting .

"Now, she's my twin. I feel and know everything about her. If she changes and behaves weirdly because of you, you will die. If you make her sad or break her heart, you will die. If you cheat, you die. If you hit, die. Never try to do something. "

I know you are probably wondering why we should threaten him since he is our best friend. But in this world, no one is trusted. Jk, we just want to scare him so he knows his place.

He looked terrified at Tino's threat. I chuckle as Tino bursts out laughing. I give Alek a big hug and say, "Good luck, bro. Be careful." I say as he understands what I mean.


Fuck yes!

I got permission to ask her on a date.

One that I have been planning for weeks.

I return to the living room as one of her uncles and cousins. They threatened me, and I swear I was about to shit my pants when her grandfather did.

He is one scary man.


I open the front door of our mansion and run to my mom, I hug her and spin her around. She shrieks in surprise as I shout, "It worked! It fucking worked! "

She laughs as she realizes what's going on. "See, I told you. You just have to be patient and respectful. "

"Thank you, mom. "

"Welcome, son. "

I kiss her cheek and run upstairs to Lily's room. I bathe through and accidentally interrupt her little 'play time' with her dolls. Barbie and Ken were about to kiss.


"Alek! Don't you know how to knock on the door before you come in?"

Listen, she might be 5 years old, but damn, she has some power and bossiness in her.

(I changed her age or not.)? I forgot.)

"Sorry, sorry. But I need your help. I have a date with Val and I need to pick out clothes. "

I know you are wondering why I am preparing, even though I never asked her. Well, I don't know either.

And Lily has some good taste in fashion.

After some hours of her snooping in my clothes, she finds one.

"Thank you, Lily. "

"Welcome, big bro. "

"I love you. "

" I love me too. " I chuckle at her. She leaves and closes the door behind her.

I grab my phone and text Val. I quickly glance at the time before I do. It's 11 pm almost 12. I think about it for a bit and decide to give it a chance.

Alek, Val

Hey, are you awake?

Yeah, what's up?

Oh, umm, I wanted to ask you if we could meet today. I have something to tell you.

Oh, sure. Yeah.

Great, see you tomorrow Good night.

Bye, goodnight .

I am officially over the moon.

Ever since I met Val. It's like the world flipped upside down. I have been having strange feelings, and sometimes, well, most of the time, I think about her. No one has ever made me feel like this.

I am wrapped around her little fingers.

And I swear on my life if any guy touches or even looks at her. Died. Just like that.

She is mine and mine only. I don't share.

I get in bed and fall asleep. With only one thought on my mind.

She is mine. MINE.


Alek is getting a bit possessive and obsessed.

A huge scene is coming in a few chapters.

Get ready.

Byee, I love you, Mwauhh.

The Return of The LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz