Unknown Feelings

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Manik who was with his friends deciding the lyrics for their new song ,just saw Preeta enter the cafe . Preeta standing there was trying to call someone irritatingly . Manik was for some time just lost into her , the cute pout on her face which came while huffing , then the face she made while someone was talking loudly actually made him chuckle , while being lost his gaze shifted to the waiter who was taking teapot and some cups towards the other direction . His breath hitched when he saw him stumbling near Preeta and as if his feet were trained he moved towards her and hugged her tightly making sure no harm was done to her , that no hot tea was spilled on her .He was so scared that he did not even think that it could actually  hurt him too . Lucky was he that he wore the thick jacket that he was going to wear in upcoming concert . The jacket was thick enough to not let the tea hurt his skin . Preeta who was so startleed that she screamed out of shock . Knowing what happened she became num , not knowing what exactly to do or what to say ? 

Manik coming out of daze checked if she had any injuries or not and finding none his eyes swept over towards the culprit" Cant you just see and walk , and why the hell you want to roam with a whole teapot in your hand ? What if something... " before he could say anything a hand stopped him . Preeta held his hand without letting anyone see it so as to calm him down and it worked . Just a tug on his hand and his face changed its emotions , " This is the last time i am warning you as well as the whole staff, if this ever happens again , no need to step into this premises ever again . " Preeta's eyes roamed all over his body to see if he had any injuries but she saw nothing  except the wet jacket he wore , she wanted to just remove his jacket and see if he had any burn-injuries and before she could move towards him . Cabir asked" Manik first remove that jacket , are you okay?"

Manik who knew what is swirling in this pea sized brain took this opportunity to let someone know " Dont worry , this jacket is thick enough it resisted the tea to burn my skin " then removing his jacket he intently turned his back towards Preeta allowing her to see that he was not injured . Just as Preeta was assured enough that he was good , her heart came to ease .

" Pree , you fine right ? You did-not get hurt na ?"came a running Harsh followed by other four , he directly held  Preeta's hand and asked her .

Dhruv who was calmly observing Manik till now saw a different emotion in his eyes , his eyes were fixed on the 'Pree girls' hand which was held by another boy who just came by , this was the first time Dhruv saw such emotions in his eyes  , those were possessed with madness and  such coldness  that it felt as if the temperature has dropped down by several degrees . Not only him but Mukti , Cabir and Alya felt that  Manik was acting wierd too.

Preeta whoes attention swept towards her friends said " Harsh  , Guys i am fine look ,nothing happened to me , ofcourse all thanks to this gentleman" then looking forwards to Manik , " Thankyou , so much for saving me today , it means a lot " At the same time Rohan too piped in " Yeah thankyou Mr Malhotra , you saved our Pree "

Maniks gaze became too much colder listening to them " Hell she is his wife for god dam sake , if not him who was suppose to save her ? wasn't it his responsibility ? Let others go Why was she thanking him ? Okay two can play the game " 

"Well Ms , dont think just a thankyou will do ,you need to remember that you owe me one " Preeta who was stunned listening him could only nod her head , not knowing that she has been trapped in Devils game now . Dhruv who was a silent spectator till now started " Well Aditya , long time right ? "shifting everyones gaze to a familiar face , Aditya who was till now gazing Mukti intently trembled having n number of gazes on him . " Ye... Yeah long time right , Hi guys "

Just then a boy who entered the cafe said , "Cabir bhai , Raghav sir is calling you all urgently " making the Fab 5 members to exit the place .Aditya who was now feeling air exclaimed . "Hey Pree you didnot meet my cousin right ? Here Nandini this is Preeta Arora our new friend and Pree this is Nandu aka Nandini Murthy my cousin ?"

DESTINY !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora