The Long-Awaited Home for Jia Jia

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He didn't look at the report again, burying his head in his work, ignoring me.

"Take you..." I almost let slip a curse.

I never expected that instead of acknowledging it, he would accuse me of regretting it?

As for him, that scum of a man, I, Chen Jia, would never regret it in my lifetime.

Even if... I regretted it, I would never let him see it!

I took a few seconds to calm myself down and figure out what to say.

"Don't you think the baby's eyes look exactly like yours?"

He still managed to glance at the report while buried in his work, finally sighing.


Has he finally admitted it?

"A 10-week ultrasound, and you're asking me where the baby's eyes are?"

Instantly, I realized my mistake.

It's no use trying to wake someone who doesn't want to be a father.

"Fine, then I'll find someone else to be the father," I said, turning and walking out of his door.


Gu Xiao was a senior who graduated a year before me, the cream of the crop in the medical school. He was notoriously difficult to pursue. I chased after him for four years, and finally succeeded in winning him over a few months before graduation.

They all said that Gu Xiao was with me only because I cried, made a fuss, and even threatened to hang myself, driving him to his wits' end.

"Otherwise, how could such a high-and-mighty talent from A University ever look at Chen Jia, that fat and ugly girl from the History Department?"

"Just look at her belly, when she's full, it looks like she's five months pregnant."

They didn't know that to pursue Gu Xiao, I had lost 30 pounds, my weight dropping from 120 to 90. I uninstalled all my food delivery apps, ate apples for breakfast, and cucumbers for dinner. After eating like that for several months, I even found myself craving the long-legged mosquitoes in my mosquito net. As a result, I lost weight, but my menstrual cycle became severely irregular, and my sleep was also severely disrupted. All this, just to get Gu Xiao to look at me a little more.

One day, while running on the track, I followed him, and he turned back to look at me. He stared for a long time, and my entire face turned crimson with embarrassment. He likes me, I thought for sure. Nervously, I walked up to him, preparing my opening line.

"Are you Chen Jia's younger sister?" His words were like a bucket of cold water, soaking me from head to toe.

I was both angry and amused. "Um... kind of."

After a moment of silence, he handed me a bottle of water. "Then go tell her to stop clinging to me."

I took the water from him, it was the first time I had been so close to him. His eyelashes were so long, his nose so straight, and his speech so gentle. But his words were so cold.

"Okay," I swallowed my grievances.

After that, we often encountered each other on the track. After the tenth encounter, he asked for my WeChat. For the first time, I felt that the 30 pounds I had lost were worth it! Because from childhood to adulthood, no one had ever asked me for my WeChat, except for those handing out flyers on the street.

I invited him to watch a movie, and he didn't refuse. When I suggested we start dating, he didn't refuse. Even when I finally broke up with him, he didn't refuse. It was me who cried in my dorm room for a whole day and night.

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