Chapter 17

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One incident has the power to traumatize and frighten individuals

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One incident has the power to traumatize and frighten individuals. I know that people hate me right now, but I refuse to ignore the overwhelming terror that is attempting to surface within me, especially knowing that there is still someone out there who wants to kill me. Whether he is an underling of the mastermind or not, the fact that my life is already in peril is a threat. And even though I made an effort to suppress my fear, it kept coming back.

My thoughts would always imagine a situation in which he returned and succeeded in his once-attempted mission whenever I tried to fall asleep. I might not be as weak as Jam was before, but I can’t promise that I can defend myself at all times.

“Jam, you should sleep,” Barry said. I give her a tired glance.

“I can’t sleep,” I admitted. I was still sitting in my bed, and she sat beside me.

“I know you’re afraid. But worrying too much will make your body weaker. You must get enough sleep so that you will be strong enough to defend yourself.”

I gave her a single nod, swallowed, and inhaled deeply.

“I’ll try,” I whispered.

She gave me a small smile before turning to face the netbook that was resting on my lap.

“Find anything?”

Gazing at the screen, I let out another rush of breath.

“I am not sure if this is useful or not. But I found something.”

She took one glance at me, startled, and took a step closer. She stared at the screen, attempting to comprehend what I had said.

“What is it?”

“I think—” I stopped, swallowing, and then cleared my throat.


“I think Carter’s father is the mastermind.”

Her eyes grew bigger, and her lips parted in surprise.

“What the hell, Jam? Are you serious?”

“I’m not positive, or perhaps I’m simply perceiving that I am.”

“Wait, if that’s true, why would he let Carter shoot twice?”

I shrugged my shoulders and massaged the bridge of my nose.

“Hindi ko na rin alam. But his voice sounds exactly the same as the man I heard in the hospital. Barry, hindi ako nagkakamali. Hindi nakakalito ang boses na ’yon.”

“I believe you, but, Jam, we have to be extra careful. Bukod sa tatay siya ni Carter; he’s also a powerful man.”

I bit my lip, knowing what she was referring to telling me.

“Mr. Haris Hart is not just Carter’s father. He’s a well-known lawyer with lots of connections. Isipin mo nga kung gaano tayo kadaling natuntun ng mga pulis nuon and it’s because his people help the police officers in searching for us. He was clearly protecting Carter when he made a statement regarding his son’s involvement in yours,” she added.

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