Chapter 10: Tournament

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She ate while watching and laughing at a surprisingly violent puppet show accompanied by drums and pan flute. She tipped a coin and was walking toward another group of musicians when she saw Thomas striding in her direction. He was out of his armor; his hair was dampened with sweat and a little tousled, and his shirt clung to his shoulders. He was drinking from a tankard and had not seen her yet. Nicole slowed so their paths would cross.

"Lady Nicole!" Thomas spotted her and flashed a smile, then bowed in greeting. "Are you enjoying the joust?"

"Yes, very much. Congratulations on your victory, Captain."

"Thank you, my lady. It was hard fought; my opponents were very worthy."

"How is your leg? Are you much injured?"

Thomas patted the side of his leg. "A little purple, but I'll be right as rain in good time. Not to worry! Are you staying for the afternoon's tournament?"

Nicole shuddered to think of the bruise he must have, but was glad to hear he was not in too much pain. "I am not yet sure. I have some letters I hoped to write today. Are you competing again?"

"No, actually, I am heading back soon to relieve some of my men. I could not let them miss out on a fine day such as this, could I?"

"Indeed, I should think not!" He's kind to his men, too, Nicole thought.

"My lady... If you intend to return to the castle without accompaniment, shall I escort you?"

Finally, the customs of the court were working in her favor. "Yes, thank you. I think I will go back," Nicole said.

"Excellent. Will you wait by the musicians? I must speak with my squire and fetch my sword."

He returned in his guard's uniform, and they set out across the grass, away from the fighting and festivities.

"Are you in a hurry to get back, my lady? The long way is much shadier, and follows a stream, which you may like to see."

"I am in no hurry." They turned away from the open field that stretched up to the castle walls, and walked into a grove. "And you need not call me 'lady' when it is only the two of us. It is so hard to get used to hearing."

"Is that so? Then your wish is my command, my-I mean, Nicole." He lifted up a thin branch for her to duck under. "Will you call me Thomas, then?"

"May I? I don't mean to make you, if you prefer to be 'Captain Phillips'."

"If there ever comes a day where I prefer to be called 'Captain,' you can run me through with my own sword."

Nicole smiled. "Very well, you shall be 'Thomas' from this day forth. Oh, let's cross there." Nicole pointed out a line of stepping stones crossing the stream. She hopped onto the first one, then saw they were farther apart than she originally thought. Slowly, she reached out her foot to the next mossy stone. Thomas followed her.

She put her foot on the last stone, but the moss was slick, and she slipped and began to fall backwards. Thomas grabbed her hand and stopped her fall, though her foot still landed in the icy water. They made it across, and she couldn't stop laughing as she poured water out of her slipper.

"Lady Paulina would have a fit if she saw me right now." She pulled off her other shoe, and carried them both in one hand, while climbing a grassy knoll that emerged from the little forest.

Thomas reached the top first and pulled Nicole up, back into the sun. "This is one of my favorite views near the castle."

"Lord..." Nicole exclaimed. The hillsides that surrounded them fell away to reveal a vast valley that seemed to slope into the distance forever. "I feel like I could see the end of the world."

They sat in the grass facing the valley while Nicole's shoes dried out a little.

"You rode wonderfully today." Nicole said. "I mean, I knew already that you rode well, but I guess you weren't trying to show off the other day."

Thomas leaned back onto his elbow. "I've worked with horses my whole life. I was a stable boy for most of the time I've lived at the castle."

"When did you move here?"

"My family lives a good way past the edge of the valley." Thomas pointed toward the horizon. "They run a farm on Lord Sutton's land. My elder brother will run it after them. As a second son, it was best for me to find work elsewhere, so I came to the castle as soon as I was old enough. I think I was eleven? Maybe twelve?"

"I was eight when I moved to the Abbey, although I did not have to work like you did."

Thomas shrugged. "It was hard work, but it was satisfying. And I learned I was much better with a horse and a sword than I ever was with crops."

Nicole grinned at the thought. "I'd like to see you with a big straw hat and a pitchfork. It's hard to picture it."

"I think I would have gone mad if I had been raised in an abbey."

"Oh, I nearly did!"

"Is that so?" Thomas laughed.

"Yes, I could never stand being cooped up when I was young. The Reverend Mother always thought I would grow out of it, though I never really did. I was not an easy charge for them."

"I have seen nothing to fault you with." He looked at Nicole so directly that she had to turn away for a moment.

"I suppose my behavior has improved a little. By Daniela's-by Her Majesty's standards, I was positively feral when we were kids. She was always better suited for studying and the like."

"I cannot say I've ever heard a lady described as 'feral'."

"You know, noblewomen are just women, after all. Although, I barely qualify as one myself, so perhaps I cannot speak on the subject."

Thomas stood and gave Nicole a hand up. "So, what will you do with your new freedom away from the Abbey? Is there anything you have always wanted to try?"

"Oh, certainly. Already today I got to attend a joust without having to worry if I'd be caught." She held out her hand so Thomas could help her across a log back to the other side of the stream. "I think... I think I would like to learn to shoot a bow."

"Archery? Really?"

"Why? Does that surprise you?"

"Oh, not at all, it's just you have chosen the one thing I am worst at!"

"Truly? No, I don't believe you!"

"Anyone can tell you that I am the worst archer in the guard. Even His Majesty is twice as good as me and he never even practices."

"And they made you the captain?" Nicole elbowed him.

Thomas held his hands up in front of him. "Hey, firing a bow and commanding a unit of archers are two entirely different skills. Don't you worry, the castle is in safe hands."

"That's reassuring, thank you." Nicole teased. "Anyway, I don't need to master it, I'd just like to try it once or twice."

"As long as you aren't expecting to become very good, I would be honored to be of service." He bowed with a flourish.

"Really? Will you teach me?

"Yes, certainly. In exchange, you must give me something of the utmost importance; a dance at tonight's banquet."

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