Chapter 1 - The discussion

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The holidays had just begun after mine and Dracos 5th year . It had been much more eventful than the other years and I was glad to be home as I was exhausted. I had been part of the secret training society called ' Dumbledores Army' and made Draco promise not to tell father when he found out I was part of it. Despite Dracos harsh ways at school, we had a good relationship and in the end we would die for each other. After all we are twins. But Draco always uses the fact he's 3 minutes older to his advantage which I find extremely annoying sometimes.

It was a week into the holidays and it was going by slowly. My father was busy at the ministry most days so me and my mother would find ourselves together most of the time reading or chatting over tea. While Draco would practice flying on his new broom or join father at work for experience. I've always had a strong relationship with my mother as she'd always wanted a daughter to dress up and fuss over. So when she realised she was having a girl as well as a boy she was over the moon. All father wanted was a boy heir to inherit the manor and most of the fortune , so I was more of an extra child to look after in his eyes . But it didn't mean he hated me, we just didn't have a very close father daughter relationship.

It was Friday evening and I was sat on my Queen sized silk bed . I was reading a book I stole from the forbidden section in Hogwarts and quickly hid it under my covers when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in " I said softly.

Nimsy, our new house elf, half opened the door and looked up at me with a half smile.

" Your parents would like to see you in the library" she said in a high pitched voice.

"Thank you nimsy , I'll come now " I said whilst returning the smile.

I'd always been good with manors no matter who I was speaking to. My mother had always taught me to be polite and modest.

I quickly glanced in my mirror and walked out the door being held open by the little elf. As I walked down the marble stairs I noticed Draco standing in the large entrance hall. He was busy fiddling with his wand whilst staring at the floor and began to breathe heavily.

"Draco?" I said with a curious tone

He glanced at me and stopped what he was doing immediately. He looked like he was about to say something but stopped himself .

" I think mother and father want to see you" he murmured before heading upstairs.

I headed into the library and saw my parents sat on a long black sofa around an open fire place. My mother turned her head and noticed me enter.

" Evening darling, would you like to sit down" my mother said softly

I sat on an armchair next to them and stared at the roaring fire in front of me.

" Arabella , your attention please" my father said sternly.

I apologised and looked at my father as he began to speak.

" As you've probably realised the dark lord is back"......

I could guess where he was going with this. I first realised my family were associated with the Dark Lord in my fourth year. Harry had informed me that he saw my father in the graveyard alongside Voldemort during the final task of the Triwizard tournament. After that my family swore to protect me from him and keep me hidden. I didn't like the fact my mother was also a follower but I knew there was nothing I could do about it so I learned to accept it.

"... and he would like to have a meeting at our house tomorrow evening" he paused and looked over to Narcissa.

My mother looked worried. And gestured me over to sit next to her. I willingly sat beside her  and she placed her arm around me. I rested my head on her shoulder and she kissed my forehead .

My father continued:" We need to ensure you're safe and out of his reach tomorrow evening, so we are going to put a spell on your room tomorrow which will make your door disappear. And we can't risk you making any sound so we will put a sleeping spell on you."

I nodded to show I understood what he was asking of me.

" What about Draco" I said lifting my head of my mother's arm to look at my father.

" Don't  worry about him" my mother said calmly whilst stroking my hair.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I lay in my mother's arms.My eyes grew heavy and my mother must have noticed because she kissed me once more and sent me up to bed.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I saw Nimsy place my satin pyjamas on my bed and thanked her. I slowly got dressed and wondered what the meeting tomorrow could be about. Before I could start questioning it I fell straight asleep and didn't wake up until late morning.

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