Procrastination Is A Way Of Life

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Either way, soon after he set his left foot on the floor, his right foot got stuck behind the window frame and before he knew it, he was lying face down on the linoleum floor of Charley's hospital room.
"Typical. Just typical", he murmured with his cheek glued onto the somewhat sticky surface and practically praying he didn't wake up the entire hospital just now.
Then again, he wasn't as heavy as Modo.
That guy could make a building tremble by only walking up the stairs.
For a moment, he just lay there with pricked ears and listening carefully, but all he heard was Charley's soft and regular breathing and a few uhm... hospital-y sounds in the distance, or something like that.

At least nothing out of the ordinary, like approaching footsteps or screaming people, and while squinting his eyes, Vinnie placed his hands under his chest and pushed himself up.
"This is why I don't do stealth. It's so uncool", he muttered under his breath, and when he was on his knees, he took a little moment to get rid of the teeny-tiny stars dancing before his eyes, all thanks to his hangover.
Perhaps he should have taken Throttle's advice and waited till tomorrow night, but like always, once he knew what had to be done, he couldn't wait.
He never could.
Waiting was just so boring.
So incredibly mind-numbing.
And no.
Waiting wasn't the same as stalling, okay?!

While the flickering lights before his eyes slowly faded, his gaze wandered across the room to eventually land on the hospital bed standing against the green-painted wall.
He sort of expected to see Charley looking back at him with those insanely green eyes of hers, but by some miracle, she was still fast asleep.
Apparently, him coming inside like some fervent reader of Ninja for Dummies hadn't woken her, which was astonishing as much as it wasn't really that big of a surprise.
She always had been a deep sleeper, at least, once she had taken the trip to Dreamland, that is.
She was what one liked to call a brooder, so it usually took her a while before she was able to fall asleep, but once she was, he supposed a bomb could go off and she wouldn't notice.

His eyes roamed over her face, and his heart swelled up, filling his chest with a comforting warmth.
Gosh, she was cute when she was sleeping.
He could watch her sleep for hours and still wouldn't get enough of it.
She just looked so... peaceful.
The frown that was usually between her brows due to her overthinking habit now nowhere to be found, making her look ten years younger.
Her auburn-colored hair fanned out over the pillow, shining in the moonlight that peeked through the curtains.
Her full lips slightly parted, revealing a small part of her set of perfect white teeth.
Her chin resting on the pillow she was hugging tightly...
No wait.

Vinnie, still sitting with his knees on the floor, frowned as he leaned a little closer.
That wasn't a pillow.
It was one of his hoodies, he now saw, and just like that, his heart shrunk, taking the warmth with it.
He had no idea how she got a hold of one of his sweaters, but the way she was holding it didn't lie.
She must have felt so lonely.
So... abandoned.
Betrayed, even.
He did that.
It should have been him, there in her arms, not some stupid piece of fabric carrying his scent.
It just wasn't the same.
It would never be the same.
Goddammit, Vincent.
You and your stupid coping mechanisms.

He usually never called himself by his full name.
It wasn't really a secret that he absolutely loathed his full name.
But right now, he loathed his entire self, so it seemed only right to use the appropriate name for the occasion.
While he was giving himself another inner scolding, something suddenly changed in the atmosphere.
The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, but Vinnie knew that wasn't really the case.
It was more like him noticing a change in Charley's peaceful mood, which must have something to do with the mental connection they shared.
As though he had a sixth sense when it came to her.
And indeed, soon after he felt this strange sensation, Charley's face darkened.
Her brow furrowed, and a shuddering breath slipped past her lips.

Biker Mice From Mars - Somewhere I BelongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon