Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours- Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

After whatever had gone down between him and Elain, Azriel had a dark circle underneath his eyes for months, and looked like he hadn't slept a wink during the night. His skin had taken on a near pale shade, or maybe that had just been the shadows that had clung so tightly to the shadowsinger that they had seeingly leeched all his colour and life out of him.

Even then...even then, Azriel hadn't wanted a break.

But now he did.

Now Azriel wanted a break.

Azriel met his gaze, his hazel eyes flat.

"No. I just need a break."

Do you know what this is about? Cassian mentally asked Rhys who just shook his head, very carefully.

"I have known you for 500 years and not once have you told us that you need a break," Cassian pointed out, trying to be reasonable. Fishing for an explanation, that Azriel didn't seem willing to give him.

What had brought this one? What had made Azriel finally admit that he needed a break?

It shouldn't worry him. It was a healthy development for Azriel to finally figure out some kind of boundaries but...still it did.

It came out of nowhere.

"Well, I do!" The way Azriel bit out these words was shocking. Not just to him but also to Rhys.

I think he really needs that break, Cassian thought quietly.

"I need a break," Azriel forced his voice to be quiet, but he was glaring Rhys into submission.

Agreed. Something is going on. Has he said anything about Esmeray?

Not to me, Rhys. Could it be Azriel's mother? There weren't many things that could make Azriel go quite as feral, but his mother definitely fell into that purview.


"So you need a break, Az," Rhys said, keeping his voice light. "When are you thinking of taking said break?"

"Next week." The answer came so quickly that Azriel must have thought about it beforehand.

Is there anything happening next week? Rhys wondered.

Was there some kind of event or something Azriel could desperately want to attend? Maybe in another court?

Cassian drew a blank. So did Rhys.

"As long as no new war breaks out, you can have next week. For your break," Rhys agreed. "Do you want the cabin?"

Think he'll say yes, if it's about his mom? Cassian wondered.

"No, thank you," Azriel turned down Rhys.

Damnit. That didn't answer any questions.

And then before they could properly interrogate their brother, he heard Feyre approach.

The High Lady of the Night Court settled herself on her mate's lap that greeted her with a smile. For a moment Cassian missed Nesta.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Feyre wanted to know.

Azriel shifted, catching Cassian's attention. He was watching Rhys and Feyre with a nearly unreadable expression...

But suddenly...suddenly Cassian recognised it. Recognised it as the same expression that he had worn so very often when he had watched Mor for centuries.

Longing. A secretly held desire.

It was there, written on his face. Clear as day.

"Just Az telling us how he needs a break," Rhys said at that moment. "I think he's getting soft."

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