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Lynne May tried all her efforts to find the right guy for her. But, at the age of 27 she could not find a sensible guy to fit her standards. But, in anyway, she would still adhere to her principles and standards.

Topher, at 30, on the other hand, was just a playboy who search for whosoever could please him sexually. He just want to play the courtship - lovemaking - catch me if you can - game he introduced to any woman who could fall into his trap.

But fate plays a joke to anybody who would make it meaningful as it unfolds into reality. It is a factor which no one could control even if they want to.

For Lynne May, love must be played seriously and make it be part of life's existence. But, for Topher, it is just part of a game. Life would be miserable if they could not find what they were hoping for. So, they both take it to the level each one of them would hope that it would serve them the best.

"What if you fall in love with somebody who is not with in your standards?", Anne her best friend asked. "Will you give him a chance?"

"It depends, ...", Lynne May replied. "... I would adjust my standards if I truly love him. But, for this time I want to find that one who would truly love me."

"What if he is a playboy or maybe somebody who do not take love seriously? Would you reconsider?", Anne asked with an awkward smile.

"Well, I will decide when the time gives the chance." Lynne May replied smiling with a grin.

"Let us enjoy our time while we are waiting dor it.", Lynne May continued.

"Well, speaking about enjoying, our friend Jenny invited us on her birthday party. Are we going to attend?", Anne declared.

"Really? When would that be? Where would be the venue?", Lynne May curiously asked.

"At the Emperial Hotel, this coming Friday." Anne happily replied.

"We should be there." Lynne May replied while giggling.

"So, we are attending?" Anne asked.

"Yes!!!!" Lynne May confirmed.

"Let us go shopping this afternoon after lunch. Take it on me. We'll have to buy our birthday dress and our gifts."

"Okay!!!! Yes Ma'am! You are really the best!!" Anne happily replied.

At the other side of the city, Topher and Fernan are still doing what they usually do every night - women hunting. They are buddies and partners in the game they call "Catch the Best Woman of the Night" where they would often end with the ladies in their beds. For them, catching a sexual partner every night is just as easy as drinking wine in their favorite bar. They just want to have fun they usually would say.

"Hey, its your turn. Are you going to drink it or not?" Fernan commented. "It looked like you are still in a dream. Is she okay? The girls last night were overly seductive. It seems like you're still enjoying it."

"Relax.. Relax.. Take it slowly. Are we going to sleep-drunk while enjoying the game?" Topher cautiously warned Fernan. "Come on, we still have to catch them right? The night is just starting.
Let us not waste it. Okay!!!"

"Hey!! Hey!! Look! The woman last night. What's her name? She's there! Look!", Fernan exclaimed while pointing to a lady in her elegant dress. "It seems like she is looking for you!"

"Jasmine! I do'nt know if she's telling her true name or not. Just like us. You know. We do'nt tell them our true names." Topher awkwardly responded.

"Hey! Christoph! It's you! Can I come over there?!!" Jasmine shouted.

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