Chapter 13. Distress call

Depuis le début

the reseachers are quite surprised that tirpitz would show herself alone, tirpitz had been briefed about the civil war between heretical sirens and loyalist sirens.

V'lex: "a pleasure to meet you tirpitz my name is v'lex an explorer type ship."

he walked towards her and offered a handshake which she hesitant a bit and took the offer.

Tirpitz: "same here v'lex and also i came here to thank you for giving my sister her new strength."

V'lex: "you don't have to, this is out of promise of helping your cause."

tirpitz smiled at his reply, she then eyed the holographic display and also what was being shown which surprised her.

then mr. von miller eyed her curiosity and speaks to her.

Mr. Von miller: "hologram projector, a kind of display that projects images of high clarity in the air and also what you're watching is v'lex's comrade terraforming our neighboring planet."

tirpitz closely eyed the device that displayed the image that was in the middle of the facility's main office, looking like a glass table

Tirpitz: "fascinating... but what's this terraforming?"

omitter who was seated beside dreamweaver answered her.

Omitter: "it is a planetary engineering process that changes a planet's composition into a habitable condition, and what you're seeing is a solid example of such process."

she watched gileon's ship in third person view who was still firing it's entropy aperture and it's still at 10 percent complete.

Tirpitz: "this technology is something we ourselves is unheard off and also them being this advance is quite shocking to hear."

Mr. Einstein: "we also have made a progress on multiple research project which is promising."

he tap multiple command icon on his PAD and projected multiple ongoing research and their recent development, she nodded at the projects going well.

Mr. Mendeleev: "we shall return to our work as the propulsion research had yielded a promising results."

he eyed the data on his PAD which they agree and the meeting has ended.

v'lex and tirpitz is now at the plaza which is bustling with life even if it's night time.

Tirpitz: "the spirit tree you had given my sister is finally bore a spirit and her color is white glow which is beautiful to look at."

they are looking at some human families who are enjoying the colorful glows of the spirits which are scurrying around the trees, tirpitz saw that he's been flocked by the spirits which made her chuckle.

Tirpitz: "everyone had a question as to why the spirits are flocking around the four of you."

V'lex: "the memories of the previous generations included their exodus of their ruined planet aboard our ship because of certain demon lord who summoned a ruinous entity that's beyond his control. and in gratitude, the elder of their race gifted us the seeds of their spirit tree which ourselves are puzzled as to why such beings gave away their young ones, we then realised later on that it was to accompany us in return of favor after saving them and these young ones knew of it."

Tirpitz: "so the fairytale stories of a fantasy world was real."

V'lex: "yes."

after the sight seeing they then bid their farewell.

next day, he saw several new ships including saint louis going on their way to the training dimension for some intensive coop training with multiple factions.

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