°So. Many. Shows...°

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For some reason, Hawks started going to work later than usual. Yes, he brought them to school yesterday, but they didn't expect him to keep doing it. Lyney handed a bento he made to each of his siblings while Hawks sipped on his coffee. He was still wearing his pijamas.

They were already dressed, but their driver wasn't. Lyney decided to test his theory while Lynette munched on the lunch he had made. He quickly snatched the box out of her hands and mouthed a 'It's for later' before giving it to Fremi.

"Are you free today?"

Hawks glanced at him from his cup.

"Why, want to hang out?"

Lyney blinked before he huffed out a smile, shaking his head to deny it.

"I was just curious. You're usually gone at this hour."

Hawks hummed before turning his head to look at them.

"From now on, I'll take you three to school. And I'll also pick you up."

Lyney frowned. Most children walked to and from school... Why were they different?

"If I may, why exactly?"

Hawks took a sip and answered nonchalantly.

"More villains are popping up, especially around UA streets. Hoping to kidnap students. I know what you three are capable of, but maybe you've forgotten that I don't have custody over you three yet."

This was the first time Hawks was showing his authority and control as the eldest. Lyney smiled, and held his hands behind his back to hide the tight grip he had on them. Fremi could tell he was pissed, and moved closer to Lynette.

Lyney simply hummed before taking his own lunch, bag, and dragging his siblings outside. Hawks sighed, and chugged the rest of his coffee before slamming the cup down on the counter and going after them.

The ride to UA was silent, with only the radio that reported how some UA students had gone missing on their way home from school. Lyney entertained himself by trying to read what Fremi was doing on his phone. But his brother always outsmarted him, taking the phone away before he could read it. Not even his pout made Fremi hand his phone over.

The moment they reached UA, the kids got out of the car without looking back. Hawks watched them leave while squeezing the steering wheel.

"Have a good day at school."

Lynette and Freminet nodded at his words while Lyney gave him a charismatic, yet cold smile.

"Same to you!"

When the doors closed, Hawks sighed and brought his phones speaker towards his mouth.

"Keep an eye on them."

He received an answer not even a second later.

"Roger that."


Their new class was hero training. Aizawa wasn't their teacher, and according to the league, All Might was likely teaching it. Finding the heros weakness wasn't necessary. They knew it was his successor, and if Fremi was right, it's Izuku.

Speaking of, the green boy hurried to greet Fremi in the morning. Stuttering his first name with a small blush on his cheeks, and incapable of making eye contact with Fremi. Lyney had smiled at this, but Fremi learned to identify the different types of smiles Lyney could show. The cold one he showed Izuku made Freminet hurry to nod and greet him back.

Lyney made sure to tell him what was wrong while they sat down. Covering his mouth with his palm in case anyone could read his lips.

"Fremi, be aware of your face. If he does anything that makes you uncomfortable-"

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now