"I wanna go home and sleep" She says taking a Sleeping blue out of my arms.

"You wanna go out to eat first" Her grandfather ask.

"Uhm sure" She says walking to the exit with us following her.

"Y'all got a car or you guys drove." She ask searching for her keys in her duffel bag.

"We got a car" We all say.

"Oh uhm ok you guys can ride with me" She says opening my door.

"Oh no I'll sit in the back ur grandmother can sit in the front" I say opening the door so the kids can get it.

She grabs her phone and lets out a huff. My phone pings with a text reading

"Why you acting like that"

I mute her text and sit in the engaged in a conversation with her grandfather as she sits up there looking like a sad puppy.

By the time we made it to the restaurant the kids were sleep so we decided to just order take out from a small Chinese restaurant.

Her grandparents were in the restaurant.

"Bro bey why you acting like that" She says turning around to face me.

"Can we talk about it at home" I say making her turn around and huff out.

Her grandparents come back to the car and she connects her phone to the Aux playing some unreleased music.

"I want to get you guys on a song" She says as we pull up at a red light.

"Grandma can I use one of your voicemails on my one of my songs" She asks making a right turn onto our street.

"Depends on what's the song about" Her grandma says

"Ok I'll show you the lyrics tomorrow I'm so tired. Finna do something to get put back on the bench" She says making her grandmother smack her in the head.

"All that money I spent to get you in little league basketball you better not" Her grandma say

"Grandma that was so long ago" She says laughing.

"Doesn't matter it still got you where you at right now" Her grandmother says

"Are they still sleep" She says clicking the button for the garage to open.

"Well the Garage just woke up blue but KyZan and TJ are still sleeping" I say.

"Ok" She says grabbing her duffle bag and KyZan out the back.

Blue walks in front of her trying to unlock the door.

"Here blue" She hands blue the keys and she keeps struggling to to open the making Y/ns grandfather open the door for her.

I grab TJ and walk into the Ouse after her grandmother closing the door. I take TJ to his room to lay him down and Y/n is coming out of KyZan's room. She brushes past me without saying anything walking into her room.

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