8 The Forever After part...

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Jimin's POV

After the wedding reception ...

"Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue." My mother muttered to us.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Just a hint my son. I'll be waiting for Haneul to return the something borrowed. Congratulations on your marriage and may the Gods always be with you." The leader of the Park Mafia clan said to me as she walked off, her body guard in tow.

But just then, Namjoon stopped and turned to face us.

"Congratulations, Jimin-ssi. We'll be in touch soon. I have something I need to discuss with you when you return from your honeymoon." Namjoon spoke in a low tone to me, so as not to be overheard as he shook my hand.

"The usual method, I presume Joonie?" I asked him, in a low voice, an eyebrow raised in disbelief at the head of security for my clan. "Then I'll be needing your assistance soon enough Joon." He nodded in agreement to my request and moved to greet my wife.

"Congratulations, Haneul-ssi. Welcome to the family." He smiled, his dimples on display for the first time in years.

"Thank you, sir." Haneul exclaimed, bowing slightly, unsure of who Namjoom was to her.

"Well, my child, we'll be leaving too. Call us of you need anything. I know you both will live happily." Imo said to Haneul, but spoke to both of us.

"Thank you for taking care of our Haneul when we weren't around Jimin. We know we can trust you with her." Imobu smiled at me.

"It is my honour to be there for her Imo, Imobu. Have a safe journey home." I bowed at them in greeting.

Haneul and I sat the main table, holding hands and having a whispered conversation as our parents left the annexure to the church, where our wedding reception was held. The only people left now where my friends and their partners.

"Hyung!" Tae called playfully. "This one is for you and Hyung-su." He said, then played a song we both enjoyed.

I couldn't help but take Haneul's hand and walk her to the center of the little hall, where she had danced her last dance with her Imobu, just minutes ago. Placing an arm around her waist, we began to sway to the rhythm of the music, while I lip synched the lyrics to the song.

Haneul giggled as I mouthed the words to this classic English track. A song we both enjoyed and had recently discovered this fact. We had spent a lot of time together over the last few days and had managed to learn that we had quite a bit in common.

The song had ended and we stood there for a moment, still wrapped in each other's embrace. The others were either busy seeing to their little ones or experiencing nostalgia, thinking about their wedding day.

"So... What was the 'something borrowed' my mother referred to earlier?" I asked Haneul, in unsure if I even wanted to know the answer.

"Oh... That." She giggle. "She lent me her hair pin, Jimin. See." She gestured to the side of her head, where indeed, my mother's precious white gold and diamond encrusted hair pin held Haneul's hair up in an elegant knot.

"Arrasso... And the 'something blue?' What's that about?" I asked her, curiousity taking over my senses.

"Hmmmm... Why don't we get going and you can see for yourself?" She winked at me surreptitiously.

I felt as if I was about to explode with emotion. Her single wink had me on the verge of insanity. I needed her, now. Mr. Park was getting overly excited too. I was afraid that I may just lose control right here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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